Basic implementation of FAT12 system for OS Architecture

Primary LanguageC


A simple shell that runs a few commands to navigate a fat12 system, written in C. Commands must be lowercase, arguments may be lowercase or uppercase. Welcome to the most underwhelming shell you've seen in your life.

Available Commands:

cat x: shows contents of file x

cd x: changes directory to path x

df: shows free disk space

ls x: lists the entry data for given x

mkdir x: creates a directory in specified location x

pbs: prints boot sector information

pfe x y: prints the fat entries from range x to y

pwd: prints the current working directory

rm x: removes a specified file x

rmdir x: removes a specified directory x

touch x: creates a file in specified path x

COMPILATION: Simply run the ./setup.bash file, this will also make fresh copies of the floppies and start the shell. To start the shell without recompiling and refreshing the floppies run ./fat12 .

NOTE: shmget and other shared memory operations have a permission problems on hawk. If you can please run this on an a machine(we used an ubuntu VM) that you have root permisions with.