
Connect and build a Plugin with Node.JS using the touchportal-api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Touch Portal API for Node.JS

Build a plugin to Touch Portal with Node.JS utlizing this easy to use library. No need to understand the inner workings of the Touch Portal Socket connection, just install this package, and connect!

NOTE: Make sure your Touch Portal is up-to-date to use the latest features.




Install using npm

npm install --save touchportal-api

How To Use

What is described below, is pretty basic functionality, the usage of the below is very basic, and not intended to describe the full complexity of a plugin.

// Node.JS style
const TouchPortalAPI = require('touchportal-api');

// TypeScript style
//import TouchPortalAPI from 'touchportal-api'

// Create an instance of the Touch Portal Client
const TPClient = new TouchPortalAPI.Client();

// Define a pluginId, matches your entry.tp file
const pluginId = 'TPExamplePlugin';

// Object to hold actionId of held actions
let heldAction = {};

// Dynamic Actions Documentation: https://www.touch-portal.com/api/index.php?section=dynamic-actions

// Receive an Action Call from Touch Portal
TPClient.on("Action", (data,hold) => {
  //hold parameter can be undefined, true or false
  // undefined => was from "On Press" or "On Event"
  // true => was from "On Hold" down (being held) trigger
  // false => was from "On Hold" up (being let go) trigger

  //Track the action being held
  if( hold ) {
    heldAction[message.actionId] = true;
  else if ( !hold ) {
    delete heldAction[message.actionId];

  //An action was triggered, handle it here
      "pluginId":"id of the plugin",
      "actionId":"id of the action",
      "data": [
          "id":"data object id",
          "value":"user specified data object value",
          "id":"data object id",
          "value":"user specified data object value",

  //Example Hold action handler
  let adjustVol = parseInt(message.data[0].value,10);
  while( hold === undefined || heldAction[message.actionId] ) {

    //Do Action here that can be repeated

    //Will cause a 100ms wait
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,100));
    // If we aren't holding(so just a keypress) or we no longer are being held, break this loop
    if( hold === undefined || !heldAction[message.actionId] ) { break; }

  // Once your action is done, send a State Update back to Touch Portal
  TPClient.stateUpdate("<state id>", "value", data.InstanceId);

  // If you have multiple states to send back, you can do that in one call versus separate
  let states = [
    { id: "<state id1>", value: "value"},
    { id: "<state id2>", value: "value1"}

TPClient.on("ListChange",(data) => {
    // An Action's List dropdown changed, handle it here
            "pluginId":"id of the plugin",
            "actionId":"id of the action",
            "listId":"id of the list being used in the inline action",
            "instanceId":"id of the instance",

   // Now send choiceUpdateSpecific based on listChange value
   TPClient.choiceUpdateSpecific("<state id>","value",data.instanceId)

   // type: number is all that is supported at the moment
   TPClient.updateActionData(data.instanceId,{id: "unique_id",type:"number",minValue: 1, maxValue: 10})


TPClient.on("ConnectorShortIdNotification",(data) => {
  // New with API v5 of TP, Connectors can have shortIds to link to a connectorId
  // {
  //     "type":"shortConnectorIdNotification",
  //     "pluginId":"id of the plugin",
  //     "shortId":"shortid of the connector",
  //     "connectorId":"the long normal connector id"
  // }

  // The idea is you make your connectorId shorter and be able to use that in connectorUpdate instead of the full connectorId (with prefix etc)
  // So you will need a map of connectorId -> shortId and shortId -> connectorId (maybe)

TPClient.on("ConnectorChange",(data) => {
  // New ConnectorChange event for v2.4, handle it here
          "pluginId":"id of the plugin",
          "connectorId":"id of the action",
          "value":"integer number between 0-100",
          "data": [
              "id":"data object id",
              "value":"user specified data object value"
              "id":"data object id",
              "value":"user specified data object value"


  // Once your action is done, send a State Update back to Touch Portal
  TPClient.stateUpdate("<state id>", "value", data.InstanceId);

  // If you have multiple states to send back, you can do that in one call versus separate
  let states = [
    { id: "<state id1>", value: "value"},
    { id: "<state id2>", value: "value1"}

  // Or Maybe you need to update a connector (third param is optional)
  TPClient.connectorUpdate("<connector id1>",45,[{"dataId1":"value1"}]);

  // update to function to take in 4th param of true/false for isShortId, default is false
  TPClient.connectorUpdate("shortId",45, undefined, true);

  // Or multiple connectors, data key is optional per connector
  // can now take in shortId instead of id
  let connectors = [ 
    { id: "<connector id1>", value: 23, data: [{"dataId1":"value1"}] },
    { id: "<connector id2>", value: 65 },
    { shortId: "<shortId1>", value: 20 }


// After join to Touch Portal, it sends an info message
// handle it here
TPClient.on("Info",(data) => {
    //Do something with the Info message here
    // NOTE: the "settings" section is already handled and will emit the Settings event, no need to duplicate here, just documenting since it is part of the info message
            "settings":[{"Setting 1":"Value 1"},...,],
            "sdkVersion":"(SDK version code)"
            "tpVersionString":"(Version of Touch Portal in string format)"
            "tpVersionCode":"(Version of Touch Portal in code format)"
            "pluginVersion":"(Your plug-in version)"

    // Read some data about your program or interface, and update the choice list in Touch Portal

    TPClient.choiceUpdate("<state id>",["choice1","choice2"]);

    // Dynamic State additions - for use when you want control over what states are available in TouchPortal
    TPClient.createState("<new state id>","Description","Default Value",undefined);

    const createStateArray = [
      { 'id' :'stateId1','desc': 'State Id 1', 'defaultValue': '0' }



TPClient.on("Broadcast", (data) => {

  // If you want to handle page change events - this is what happens
  // more info here: https://www.touch-portal.com/api/index.php?section=dynamic-actions

     "pageName":"name of the page switched to"

TPClient.on("NotificationClicked", (data) => {
  // If you want to handle notificationoption clicked events - this is what happens
  // more info here: https://www.touch-portal.com/api/index.php?section=notifications

      "notificationId":"id of the notification",
      "optionId":"id of the option"

TPClient.on("Settings",(data) => {

    //Do something with the Settings message here
    // Note: this can be called any time settings are modified or saved in the TouchPortal Settings window.
      [{"Setting 1":"Value 1"},{"Setting 2":"Value 2"},...,{"Setting N":"Value N"}]

    // Will throw an exception if/when stateIdToRemove has not been created by the Plugin.

TPClient.on("Update", (curVersion, remoteVersion) => {

    // Do something to indicate to your user there is an update.
    // Open a localhost page, navigate them to the repo about the update, whatever you want to do, or utilize the new Notifcation system.
    // Note: this is only checked on startup of the application and will not inform users of update until a full restart of Touch Portal or the plugin itself.
    let optionsArray = [
        "title":"Take Me to Download"
        "title":"Ignore Update"

    TPClient.sendNotification(`${pluginId}UpdateNotification`,"My Plugin has been updated", `A new version of my plugin ${remoteVersion} is available to download`, optionsArray);

// Connects and Pairs to Touch Portal via Socket.
TPClient.connect({ pluginId });

// If you want touchportal-node-api to check for updates on startup.
TPClient.connect({ pluginId, "updateUrl":"<url to remote entry.tp file>" });

Full Touch Portal API Documentation

Touch Portal interface Documentation here: Touch Portal Interface Documentation


If you need support, drop a question in the github issues tab, and I'll get to it as soon as possible.


Please report bugs using the github issues tab


Feel free to fork this repo and suggest pull requests. I cannot guarantee they will be included, but I'm definitely open to changes, enhancements, bug fixes!



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

Touch Portal

If you got here, and are like "WTF is this?" it is for integrating custom functionality as a Touch Portal plugin. check out https://touch-portal.com to learn more about Touch Portal and it's amazing features and community.