
Missing semi-colon causes Uncaught TypeError exception

heyitsfranklin opened this issue · 5 comments

The exact issue described at #104 has reappeared once more. It looks like the semi-colon is not being added at the end of the build process.

I have not changed the build Process for a while. could you track down the Version, where this reoccurs.

@KillerCodeMonkey yep it's v4.3.1

okay but when i check the build, there is the trailing ; 🤔

And you are using the build-files in the /dist folder not the src-file?

Ah, you're right. The JS file being included is from the src folder.

There is actually no dist folder but that's because I'm using Bower which, understandably, you don't support.

Okay, I'll have to figure something else out.

Thanks for your help :) Feel free to close this if needed.

if you have a build process you could include it to be transformed :).

BTW: bower is dead :D