
Evolving a calculator in PushGP

Primary LanguageClojure


Kwaku Yeboah Antwi (ky10@hampshire.edu), 

The whole point of this project is to genetically evolve a Calculator.
The Calculator takes characters from a buffer(currently simulated),
pops it onto the string stack, one character at a time, and then
evolves a program that will recognize what the inputs are and mean
and perform all the necessary computation.




To use this code you must have a Clojure programming environment; see 
http://clojure.org/. The current version of clojush requires clojure 1.2
and clojure-contrib 1.2.

Clojure is available for most OS platforms. Good starting points for
obtaining and using Clojure include http://clojure.org/getting_started
and http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/clojure/Getting_Started.


To run the system on a simple example start a clojure REPL (read, evaluate,
print loop) in the directory that contains clojush.clj and the examples 
subdirectory and type the following to the REPL prompt: 

    (load "Calculator/core")

This will load everything and run PushGP on the inputs.

If you have Leiningen (from https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen)
then you can run an example from the OS command line with a call like:

    lein run Calculator.core

In some IDEs there will be other ways to run the examples. For example,
in Eclipse/Counterclockwise you can simply open an example and select
Clojure > Load clojure file in REPL.

You may want to provide additional arguments to java in order to allow 
access to more memory and/or to take maximal advantage of Clojure's
concurrency support in the context of clojush's reliance on garbage 
collection. For example, you might want to provide arguments such 
as -Xmx2000m and -XX:+UseParallelGC.