Records entire round and have option to replay entire round in any time.
Which things are recorded rn?
- Warhead
- Generators
- Doors
- Players
- Items
- Lifts
- Ragdolls
- Scp Termination
- Weapon reload/shot
- SCP914 Knob change
Recording starts while waiting for players
0NPCS.dll / / PlayerRecorder.dll
from releases page -
0NPCs.dll and PlayerRecorder.dll
and extract all files
and put them inExiled/Plugins/depedencies
Start server.
Webhook support for discord:
Custom HUD for viewing replay:
(Permission: playerrecorder.end)
- REPLAY end - End replay
(Permission: playerrecorder.pause)
- REPLAY pause - Pause/unpause replay
(Permission: playerrecorder.prepare)
- REPLAY prepare
<port> <id> <OPTIONAL: frameId> <OPTIONAL: playerId>
- Prepare replay
(Permission: playerrecorder.setspeed)
- REPLAY setspeed
- Set replay speed (default: 0.1)
(Permission: playerrecorder.start)
- REPLAY start - Start replay
(Permission: playerrecorder.list)
- REPLAY list - List of all avaliable records
Some Info:
You need to have some seperate server which will be used as replay server.
Example replay with 55 players round, 20 minutes long can have 20MB ( NOT COMPRESSED ) after compression that can be 7/6MB
After 5 raw records, everything will be compressed into ZIP.