Assignment 3: Restaurants API

Built an RESTFUL API that allows a user to search for a restaurant, add their favorite restaurant, update a restaurant, and remove a restaurant.

You'll need to connect to MongoDB, and persist (save the data) restaurants so that as a user you can query the restaurants. Use Postman to access your API. These are the following routes(urls) that your API will need to respond to.

Initial Setup

Install the following packages:

$ npm install express mongodb joi --save

Setup the express application in the src/index.js file.

ES2015 Modules

We also need to transition to the new ES2015 modules to help us transition to Angular. For more information about ES2015 modules read about it here. For the most part, this syntax will replace the const express = require('some-module') with import express from 'express'.

Express Routing

We've built the API's inline thus far. This is not ideal as application's grow. Express has created a Route object to isolate code between routes and the express application. This is the preferred method. Learn more about routes here.

express.Router helps separate concerns. For this appliation, use this as the preferred way to route urls. The nice part about the router is you can:

import RestaurantRoutes from './routes/restaurants';
app.use('/restaurants', RestaurantRoutes);

Common HTTP Status Codes

Code Description
200 Everything is OK. Returns JSON
201 Response after you've created something
400 The body of a POST/PUT is invalid. Bad Data
404 Not Found
500 Internal Service Error

Routes (URLS)

Your API will need to be accessible through the following urls below. The HTTP verb is indicated before the endpoint.

GET /restaurants&search

This endpoint retrieves all the restaurants. It also takes an optional query parameter that allows the user to query the restaurants by their name. When the query parameter isn't present, return all the restaurants.

QueryString Parameters

Parameter Description Type
search Use this parameter to query the restaurants by name. Bonus points if you use a regular express to find any restaurants so that you don't need to specify the exact name. String

Helpers & Hints

  1. Resolving a promise is done with the .then() function. This means that your promise(s) will need to be resolved before you call the response.json()

Promise Resolution Example

app.get('/restaurant', (request, response) => {
  // Assuming Restaurants.find() returns a promise
  return Restaurants.find({...})
    .then(restaurants => {
      return response.json(restaurants);
  1. To access the query string parameters, you'll need to access the request.queryString object. This is similar to the request.params object.

Query Parameters Code

// Example Code
app.get('/restaurant', (request, response) => {
  const query =;

GET - /restaurants/top-rated

Return only the top rated restaurants

Helpers & Hints

  1. The query should find all restaurant that have an A grade. The query should look something like this { grades.grade: { $in: ['A'] }} }. See this for more information.

GET - /restaurants/favorites

This url returns any user defined favorites. Until now, we don't have a very good mechanism to indicate that a restaurant is a user's favorite. For this scenario, we will take advantage of MongoDB's document flexibility and create a boolean on a restaurant that can be set to true when it has been flagged. Use the field/attribute isFavorite for any restaurants that are your favorites.

Helpers & Hints

  1. The query to find favorites should be something like { isFavorite: true }.

  2. Remember that this field is something we created, so not everything will have this.

GET - /restaurant/:id

This url should retrieve a single restaurant by it's _id.

Url Parameters

Parameter Description
id This should map directly to the _id parameter in the MongoDB. Remember the _id is a "artificial" id, but makes it unique throughout the system.

POST - /restaurant

Creates a new restaurant


Field Type Required Description
name String Yes
borough String Yes
cuisine String Yes
grades Array No Defaults to []
address Object Yes
address.building String Yes
address.coord Array No Default to []
address.street String Yes
address.zipcode String Yes
isFavorite Boolean no Defaults to false

Helpers & Hints

PUT - /restaurant/:id

Updates a restaurant

Url Parameters

Parameter Description
id This should map directly to the _id parameter in the MongoDB. Remember the _id is a "artificial" id, but makes it unique throughout the system.


Field Type Required Description
name String Yes
borough String Yes
cuisine String Yes
grades Array No Defaults to []
address Object Yes
address.building String Yes
address.coord Array No Default to []
address.street String Yes
address.zipcode String Yes
isFavorite Boolean no Defaults to false

Helpers & Hints

DELETE - /restaurant/:id

Deletes a restaurant by their _id.

Url Parameters

Parameter Description
id This should map directly to the _id parameter in the MongoDB. Remember the _id is a "artificial" id, but makes it unique throughout the system.

Helpers & Hints

Respond with a 204 status code. This indicates all is well.

app.delete('/restaurants', (req, res) => {
  // Do Work


Here are some valuable resources.

  • The new way to import and export code