
:snake: One click Python code quality package

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

PyPI version Build Status Coverage Status Language grade: Python Total alerts Code style: black


One click Python code quality package

blue-chip uses black, isort, invoke and prospector configured to work well together out of the box.


The recommended installation method when installing globally is to use pipx

pipx install blue-chip

Otherwise (for best results) use pip to install directly into your project's virtual environment.

pip install blue-chip

Using poetry.

poetry add --dev blue-chip

Using pipenv you need to pin the version.

pipenv install --dev blue-chip==0.0.8

Command-line use

List the possible blue-chip commands with bc --list

$bc --list


  fmt    Format python source code.
  lint   Run static analysis on python source code.
  sort   Sort module imports.

Enterprise use

Enterprise teams may find it useful to fork and redistribute this package with their own custom defined standards.

In many cases this is a simple as changing the package name and values in blue_chip/constants.py.

For fine grain control of the static analysis tools, edit the prospector profiles in blue_chip/config.