
(!!Deprecated)Write notes when reading codes, and generate markdown articles. (Xcode Plugin)

Primary LanguageObjective-C



  • An Xcode plugin.
  • Used for writing notes when browsing source code.
  • Generate a markdown article.



Search XSourceNote in Alcatraz , click install ,and restart Xcode.


  • Command+F4 : Add a note
  • Shift+F4 : Show list of notes.


0. Menu


or press the shortcut for each menu item. (Menu shortcut is configurable in the Tool cell below)

1. Config


  • Open the project(or workspace) file under the path /Users/everettjf/GitHub/XSourceNote by Xcode.
  • Open the note list window by pressing the shortcut Shift+F4.


  • Root Path(Required): The absolute directory path of the current project. (For convert the absolute source path to relative path)
  • Project Name
  • Official Site
  • Repo : Repository address.
  • Revision : Current revision number. (The unique identifier for the source revision)
  • Description.

2. Project Note

Note for the whole project.

3. Summary

The summary will be append to the end of the markdown file , which will be exported.

4. Tool

Config the prefix for the markdown file . (Most blog system based on markdown require the meta data).

Down-left button to export the markdown file

5. Note for the line(s)

1) Add a line note

Press Command+F4 to add a note in the code editor , and the XSourceNote plugin will know the line number which cursor existing , or the lines which selected .

Writing some words in the Quick Note window. The note will be saved when closing the window. And an Green Tag will be displayed in the left sidebar of editor.



2)Edit notes

Pressing Shift+F4 to open the window for the notes. Notes for the lines will be appended under the left list.


  • Text at upper-right of the window is the source relative path (or the absolute path when the path does not contains root path.)
  • Middle-right is the source code.
  • Bottom-right is the note we could edit.

(Notes will be auto-saved with 10s interval.)


Click the Tool in the left list (the 4th item), and click the bottom-left button in the right panel.


Simple note feature for Xcode, but enough for me.

Features will be develop:

  • Sort notes
  • Color the source code.
  • Note preview.
  • Auto-config root path.

History versions

  • v0.1 2016.3.21 First release