Github Feed
Yet another Github client written with react-native.
Includes ?
- Feeds like web github home.
- Search users or repos.
- Star, watch repos, follow guys.
- Explore trending repos daily, weekly, monthly.
- Check who's famous in some filed all of the world.
Online apps
How to build this
###Register(If you don't need login, skip this step)
You a github client key and secret, check this out!
Filling your github client and key
###Install JS env
npm install
if error about 'EACCS' try
sudo chown -R $(whoami) "$HOME/.npm"
open the project in ios dir cd ios
pod install
Release mode
- edit xcode project
's scheme torelease
- bundle the JS resources, in project root dir
react-native bundle --platform ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./release/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ./release --dev false
- xcode run!
Debug mode
Edit xcode project RN_CNNode
edit scheme to debug
Xcode run!
Use Android studio to open the android
dir, the studio will take a lot time to build the project(just be patient).
Release mode
Connect your devices with USB.
Open Android studio,change the Build Variants
to release
sh ./
Just run the project
Debug mode
react-native run-android
Emulator run some device.
Code-push practice (This step is optional)
- mkdir ~/Desktop/release
- bundle the js resources
// including image resources
react-native bundle --platform ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ~/Desktop/release/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ~/Desktop/release --dev false
// not including image resources
react-native bundle --platform ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ~/Desktop/release/main.jsbundle --dev false
Check app status
code-push deployment ls GitFeed-iOS
Publish update
code-push release GitFeed-iOS ~/Desktop/release 1.0.0 -d Production
##Let's talk about it(So far only Chinese supported)
###License GPL. Copyright (c) David Tse.