
This repository contains the recommendations service for NYU DevOps Fall 2023-001

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NYU DevOps: Recommendation

Build Status Build Status codecov License Python

Database, API and scripts for product recommendation


This project facilitates the recommendation function of an online shopping website.

Goals to implement:

  • Get a list recommended products related a requested product by customers.
  • Get recommendations based on user preference
  • Regularly update recommendation, based on product validity, sponsorship from seller, price changes, etc.
  • Create / Delete recommendation





Key Type Description
id Key Primary
source_item_id Key Foreign from Items
target_item_id Key Foreign from Items
recommendation_type ENUM("up-sell", "cross-sell", "accessory") type of recommendation
recommendation_weight DECIMAL(0, 1) priority of the rec to be shown
status ENUM ("valid", "out of stock", "deprecated") whether the rec is valid
created_at TIMESTAMP Create time
updated_at TIMESTAMP Update time

API List

URL HTTP Method Description
/ GET API version information
/recommendations? GET List recommendation by page
/recommendations/{int:id} GET Read recommendation by id
/recommendations/source_product? GET Read recommendation by source_product_id
/recommendations POST Create recommendation
/recommendations/{int:id} PUT Update recommendation
/recommendations/{int:id} DELETE Delete recommendation

File Structure

.gitignore          - this will ignore vagrant and other metadata files
.flaskenv           - Environment variables to configure Flask
.gitattributes      - File to gix Windows CRLF issues
.devcontainers/     - Folder with support for VSCode Remote Containers
dot-env-example     - copy to .env to use environment variables
requirements.txt    - list if Python libraries required by your code
config.py           - configuration parameters

service/                   - service python package
├── __init__.py            - package initializer
├── models.py              - module with business models
├── routes.py              - module with service routes
└── common                 - common code package
    ├── error_handlers.py  - HTTP error handling code
    ├── log_handlers.py    - logging setup code
    └── status.py          - HTTP status constants

tests/              - test cases package
├── __init__.py     - package initializer
├── test_models.py  - test suite for business models
└── test_routes.py  - test suite for service routes

API Documentation


Retrieve API information

GET /recommendations?

List all recommendations with pagination, optional filter by recommendation_type

GET /recommendations?page-index=1&page-size=10&type=UP_SELL
Status Code Note
200 OK

GET /recommendations/{id}

Read recommendation by id

GET /recommendations/123
Status Code Note
200 OK
404 Not found

GET /recommendations/source_product?

Read recommendation by source_product_id/status

GET /recommendations/source_product?source_product_id=123
GET /recommendations/source_product?status=valid
Status Code Note
200 OK
404 Not found

POST /recommendations

Create a new recommendation:

POST /recommendations
Content-Type: application/json

  "source_item_id" : 123,
  "target_item_id" : 456,
  "recommendation_type" : "UNKNOWN",
  "recommendation_weight" : 0.8,
  "status" : "UNKNOWN"


  "created_at": "2023-10-17T02:59:59.536538",
  "id": 625,
  "recommendation_type": "UNKNOWN",
  "recommendation_weight": 0.8,
  "source_item_id": 123,
  "status": "UNKNOWN",
  "target_item_id": 456,
  "updated_at": "2023-10-17T02:59:59.536542"
Status Code Note
201 Created
415 content_type must be application/json

PUT /recommendations/{id}

Update a new recommendation

PUT /recommendations/625
Content-Type: application/json

  "source_item_id": 88888
  "recommendation_weight" : 0.9,
  "status" : "VALID"


  "created_at": "2023-10-17T02:59:59.536538",
  "id": 625,
  "recommendation_type": "UNKNOWN",
  "recommendation_weight": 0.9,
  "source_item_id": 88888,
  "status": "VALID",
  "target_item_id": 456,
  "updated_at": "2023-10-17T03:00:32.831226"
Status Code Note
200 OK
415 content_type must be application/json
404 Not found

DELETE /recommendations/{id}

Delete recommendation by id

DELETE /recommendations/123
Status Code Note
204 Success
404 Not found



Copyright (c) John Rofrano. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License. See LICENSE

This repository is part of the NYU masters class: CSCI-GA.2820-001 DevOps and Agile Methodologies created and taught by John Rofrano, Adjunct Instructor, NYU Courant Institute, Graduate Division, Computer Science, and NYU Stern School of Business.