
Text based event console for Zenoss

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Text based event console for Zenoss


ZenHest has a few dependencies:

  • urwid for drawing widgets
  • keyring for talking to the OS' keyring
  • clipboard for talking to the OS' clipboard

Requirements are listed in the requirements.txt file.


ZenHest is configured using environment variables.

ZENHEST_URL (required)

Set ZENHEST_URL to the http(s)://server:port of your Zenoss installation.


If ZENHEST_USER is set, ZenHest will try to look up your password using your system's keyring. By default it will look for an entry named 'zenhest' using ZEN_USERNAME as the username.

If you want it to look elsewhere, set it with ZENHEST_KEYRING.


ZENHEST_UPDATE_INTERVAL sets how often (in seconds) ZenHest will poll Zenoss of event updates. The default is 30.


Enabled ZenHest to call a command for events. Uses ZENHEST_EVENT_ACTION_COMMAND as the command to trigger. Set to 'yes', 'true' or '1' to enable. Default is 0.


Command to run on event actions. Defaults to '/bin/true'.

{} will be replaced by the currently selected event id.

Example: export ZENHEST_EVENT_ACTION="/usr/bin/open https://my_handler_url/event/{}"



TAB     : Navigates between things
q/Q/Esc : CLoses/quits things

Main Window

R   : Refresh event list
f   : Show event filter menu
A   : Acknowledge selected event
C   : Close selected event
O   : Reopen selected event
J   : Trigger event action

Main Window - Event Info focused

y   : Copy selected line to clipboard
Y   : Copy all lines to clipboard