
Ruby-port of Adaptive Images (http://adaptive-images.com/)

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Adaptive-Images

This is a ruby port of Adaptive-Images (http://adaptive-images.com/, originally by Matt Wilcox). It does not contain all features, but it does more or less the same in the same way. It uses ImageMagick (via mini_magick) in stead of GD.

It runs as a sinatra application that can be mounted using Rack.


gem install rai


Put something like this in your config.ru:

require 'rai'

map '/images' do
  Rai::App.set :img_path, '/path/to/your/images'
  Rai::App.set :cache_path, '/path/to/your/cache'
  run Rai::App



Keep an eye on the cache to see if it needs updating.

Values: true/false

Default: true


Resolution break-points (screen widths).

Value: array

Default: [2560, 1920, 1440, 1024, 768, 480]


JPG compression ratio, 0-100.

Value: integer, 0-100

Default: 85


Wether image should be sharpened or not.

Value: true/false

Default: true


Browser cache TTL

Value: integer, seconds

Default: 606024*7 (7 days)


Where images are placed.

Value: string, path

Default:File.join(File.dirname(FILE), '..', 'images')


Where cached versions are placed.

Value: string, path

Default: File.join(File.dirname(FILE), '..', 'images', 'rai-cache')


The name of the resolution cookie.

Value: string

Default: rai-resolution


Kim Nørgaard jasen@jasen.dk