
The API that drives the Owning A Home project.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Owning a Home API Build Status

This provides an API for the Owning a Home project. The tool will return rates available on the market. Note that it relies on bringing data from an external (not free) source.


The API is at version 0.9.6, a work in progress.


Installing and using it locally

The tool is a Django module and can be installed and run inside a Django project.

These instructons assume that you are using a Mac with OS X Yosemite and with Homebrew installed:

###Install required components

####MySQL Install MySQL if you do not have it:

brew install mysql

Start the MySQL Server, this command may need to be run again (if stopped) when trying to bring up the web server later:

mysql.server start

Set Password for root:


Connect to MySQL with root and password:

mysql -uroot -p

Then create an owning-a-home database:

create database oah;

If you would like to connect with a different user other than root, you can create a user, and replace oah_user with your desired username and password with your desired password:

create user 'oah_user'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
grant all privileges on oah.* to 'oah_user'@'localhost';
flush privileges;

You can now connect to MySQL with your newly created username and password and have access to oah:

mysql -u oah_user -p
# enter your password
show databases;
use oah;

####Django Project It is recommended that you use a virtualenv to keep your dependencies organized:

mkvirtualenv oah
workon oah

Create a folder for your Django project in a workspace or other location you like (~/workspace in this case):

cd ~/workspace
mkdir oah_api && cd oah_api
pip install django==1.6
# Create a sample project
django-admin.py startproject oah_api

Edit oah_api/settings.py to use MySQL as the database, edit the DATABASES dictionary to the following, and replace the database user name and password (or root if you did not create one) you created above:

    'default': {
           'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
           'NAME': 'oah',
           'USER': 'oah_user',
           'PASSWORD': 'password',

Install mysql-python module:

pip install mysql-python

Sync the database and make sure it can be run and accessed in a browser ( (you may get an error if your MySQL Server is not running, if that's the case, run mysql.server start and try the following again:

python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py runserver

####Owning-A-Home API Module Now you are ready to install the app/module:

Go back to your workspace (~/workspace in the case above) or the location you installed oah_api, please do not clone inside oah_api folder:

cd ~/workspace

Clone and install requirements from the app in virtualenv oah created above:

git clone https://github.com/cfpb/owning-a-home-api
pip install -e owning-a-home-api
cd owning-a-home-api && pip install -r requirements.txt

Back to Django project you created earlier:

cd ~/workspace/oah_api

Add the apps from owning-a-home-api to your Django project you created earlier in INSTALLED_APPS dictionary from oah_api/settings.py:


Also add the following urls to your core Django project oah_api/urls.py:

    url(r'^oah-api/rates/', include('ratechecker.urls')),
    url(r'^oah-api/county/', include('countylimits.urls')),

Sync and migrate the Database:

python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py migrate

You can now start the app again to make sure it is accessible in a browser (

python manage.py runserver

####Data We only supply county limits data as those are open to the public, we do not supply rate checker data.

Loading county limits data:

python manage.py load_county_limits ~/workspace/owning-a-home-api/data/county_limit_data-flat.csv --confirm=y

##What the app does

Owning a Home API includes two Django apps:

####ratechecker This app exposes a single API endpoint, /oah-api/rates/rate-checker, with the following parameters:

Param name Required Default value Acceptable values
arm_type No, unless rate_structure=arm N/A 3-1, 5-1, 7-1, 10-1
institution No N/A any valid institution name, for ex. BANKA, BANKB, etc.
io No 0
loan_amount Yes N/A any positive integer
loan_purpose No PURCH PURCH, REFI
loan_term Yes N/A 30, 15
lock No 60
ltv *1 No N/A
maxfico Yes N/A 0 -> 850
minfico Yes N/A 0 -> 850
points No 0
price Yes N/A better be larger than loan_amount
property_type No SF
rate_structure Yes N/A FIXED, ARM
state Yes N/A all the US state's abbreviations

*1: We actually calculate its value and don't check the value sent in request

ratechecker will return a JSON object containing data and timestamp

ratechecker has a management command, load_daily_data, which loads daily interest rate data from CSV.

####countylimits This app exposes a single API endpoint, /oah-api/county, which requires a state parameter for querying Federal Housing Administration loan lending limit, Government-Sponsored Enterprises mortgage loan limit and the Department of Veterans Affairs loan guaranty program limit for the counties in a given state.

Param name Required Default value Acceptable values
state Yes N/A all the US state's abbreviations or fips codes

countylimits will return a JSON object containing state, county, complete_fips, gse_limit, fha_limit, and va_limit.

countylimits has a management command, load_county_limits, which loads these limits from a CSV file provided in data/county_limit_data-flat.csv


Testing requires mock, so you'll need to install that before running tests.

pip install mock
./manage.py test ratechecker
./manage.py test countylimits


We welcome contributions with the understanding that you are contributing to a project that is in the public domain, and anything you contribute to this project will also be released into the public domain. See our CONTRIBUTING file for more details.