get dictionary_char_xxx.jsonl get dictionary_word_xxx.jsonl both from dumps
copy the born child second to last entry from the bottom of the char jsonl to the word jsonl {"_id":"AwEHQD3qJqA3KjGaw","simp":"𠫓","trad":"𠫓","gloss":"birth","items":[{"source":"unicode","pinyin":"yù","simpTrad":"both","definitions":["give birth","(ancient variant of 育)"]},{"definitions":["(ancient variant of 突)","dash forward"],"pinyin":"tū"}],"pinyinSearchString":"tū tu1 tu"}
looks like its there erroneously
run typesense via systemd (use the tutorial) probably on the arm server try docker, so that means you should try docker locally first (TODO)
run to get all_data.jsonl
feed that to typesense to generate index using typesense.js, uncomment relevant lines
(you can also make sure that it's working by commenting out the setup lines and uncommenting the search lines at the bottom of that file and running it)
to create entries data, run pyenv activate romkan-env cd entry python create_entries_data
TODO: make a requirements.txt or something
to create search data, run cd search python create_search_data ./import_to_typesense