
Incoming self assessment for telegraph academy precourse students.

Primary LanguageHTML

Precourse 01 Self-Assessment


  • Self-assessments are meant to give you an idea of how well you understand--or can figure out--the material that you covered recently.
  • You must submit a pull request for all self-assessments (guidelines below). Give yourself a few minutes to do this at the end of the time allotted for the assessment.
  • The help button is available to you during self-assessments, how often you use that service is up to your own discretion.
  • What you see is what you get--most of the time we don't include outside libraries.
  • TIP: Don't take too much time writing tests that are not required, instead use your Chrome Console for a quick and easy way to test your code.

Grading Outline


[ C ] While on the game.html, have the 'Home' button in the top left corner take you back to the index.html page.

[ A ] Show the count by adding the 'count' variable to the top right corner of the page

[ A ] answerGenerator: this feature generates the answers to their corresponding question.

[ NA ] QandA generator: this feature generates the next question when and answers when the user gets the question correct

[ NA ] EXTRA: add a feature that collects a userName from the user and personalizes the 'you are correct!' prompt when the user has a successful answer.


[ SP ] completed binary search

Self-Grading Process

After you complete each prompt, assign a grade to each item in the above Grading Outline, using this Grading Scale. Note your grade by editing this file (README.md), and writing your grade next to the corresponding item in the Grading Outline above. Please use the exact terms shown in the Grading Scale document; do not modify or improvise them.

Javascript Syntax Check

The file syntaxalyze.html is included with every problem. Open it in your browser and then drag your solution file onto the page to perform a syntax check. Fix any errors listed, then repeat the check. In order to re-check your file, you must drag the solution file into syntaxalyze after each edit — refreshing the page will not work. You may need to perform these steps multiple times until all the errors are fixed.

Submitting Solutions

VERY IMPORTANT: Before submitting your solutions, find and fix all syntax errors

Solutions are submitted via Pull Request. Follow these steps:

  1. From your fork, select Pull Requests and then create a New pull request.
  2. STOP. Before you Click to create a pull request for this comparison you must adjust the target branch (aka base branch) to be your username. Once chagned, the pull-request heading should look like this:

hackreactor:username ... username:master

  1. Copy and paste the completed Grading Outline into the comment block of your Pull Request.
  2. Click Send pull request


Each assessment contains folders that correspond to the prompts listed below. Complete the instructions in the file, README.md within each folder (reproduced below).


  • Read the instructions in the main body of the README associated with this assessment.
  • Read the wiki page on Self Assessments.

Syntax Errors

  • Use syntaxalyze.html to identify (and fix) all the syntax errors in prcs-syntax-errors.js. See the main body of the README associated with this assessment for more info.

  • Save your changes to prcs-syntax-errors/prcs-syntax-errors.js

  • Switch to terminal and verify the changes you made using git status and then git diff

  • Stage your changes using git add prcs-syntax-errors/prcs-syntax-errors.js

  • Commit your changes using git commit.

  • Push your changes to your fork of the assessment using git push origin master

Pull Request

  • Follow the instructions in the main body of the README associated with this assessment to submit your solutions for this assessment.

Issue a pull request
