
🧰 KimlikDAO wallet login SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript

KimlikDAO wallet login SDK


To use KimlikDAO SDK in your app, import @kimlikdao/client, instantiate it and call kimlikdao.getValidated() or kimlikdao.getUnvalidated() like so:

// In the web app
import { KimlikDAO } from "@kimlikdao/client";

const kimlikdao = new KimlikDAO({
  validatorUrl: "https://my-awesome-onramp.com/validate",
  provider: window.ethereum, // Optional

// In an async function
const kpass = await kimlikdao.getValidated(kimlikdao.KPass, [

This will

  • send the user wallet some signature requests
  • decrypt the specified did.Sections (personInfo, addressInfo, contactInfo)
  • send them for validation at the specified url (https://my-awesome-onramp.com/validate) and
  • pass on the response from the validator verbatim.


In our server at https://my-awesome-onramp.com/validate,

// In the server
import { Validator } from "@kimlikdao/server-js";
import express from "express";

const validator = new Validator({
  "0x1": "https://ethereum.publicnode.com",
  "0xa86a": "https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc",
  ipfs: "https://ipfs.kimlikdao.org",

  .post("/validate", (req, res) => {
      .validate(/** @type {!kimlikdao.ValidationRequest} */(req.body))
      .then((/** @type {!kimlikdao.ValidationReport} */ report) => {
        if (report.isValid) myDb.write(res.body);


git clone --recursive https://github.com/KimlikDAO/kimlikdao-sdk
cd kimlikdao-sdk
bun i # Install dependencies
bun examples/simple-example/server.js

and navigate to localhost:9090.