
Material Frontend Preset For Laravel Framework 5.5 and Up

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Frontend version: Material Dashboard v2.1.1. More info at https://www.creative-tim.com/product/material-dashboard

Product Image

Speed up your web development with the Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard built for Laravel Framework 5.5 and up.


We recommend installing this preset on a project that you are starting from scratch, otherwise your project's design might break.


If you don't already have an Apache local environment with PHP and MySQL, use one of the following links:

Also, you will need to install Composer: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
And Laravel: https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/installation


After initializing a fresh instance of Laravel (and making all the necessary configurations), install the preset using one of the provided methods:

Via composer

  1. Cd to your Laravel app
  2. Install this preset via composer require laravel-frontend-presets/material-dashboard. No need to register the service provider. Laravel 5.5 & up can auto detect the package.
  3. Run php artisan preset material command to install the Argon preset. This will install all the necessary assets and also the custom auth views, it will also add the auth route in routes/web.php (NOTE: If you run this command several times, be sure to clean up the duplicate Auth entries in routes/web.php)
  4. In your terminal run composer dump-autoload
  5. Run php artisan migrate --seed to create basic users table

By using the archive

  1. In your application's root create a presets folder
  2. Download an archive of the repo and unzip it
  3. Copy and paste material-dashboard-master folder in presets (created in step 2) and rename it to material
  4. Open composer.json file
  5. Add "LaravelFrontendPresets\\MaterialPreset\\": "presets/material/src" to autoload/psr-4 and to autoload-dev/psr-4
  6. Add LaravelFrontendPresets\MaterialPreset\MaterialPresetServiceProvider::class to config/app.php file
  7. In your terminal run composer dump-autoload
  8. Run php artisan preset material command to install the Material preset. This will install all the necessary assets and also the custom auth views, it will also add the auth route in routes/web.php (NOTE: If you run this command several times, be sure to clean up the duplicate Auth entries in routes/web.php)
  9. Run php artisan migrate --seed to create basic users table


Register a user or login using admin@material.com and secret and start testing the preset (make sure to run the migrations and seeders for these credentials to be available).

Besides the dashboard and the auth pages this preset also has a user management example and an edit profile page. All the necessary files (controllers, requests, views) are installed out of the box and all the needed routes are added to routes/web.php. Keep in mind that all of the features can be viewed once you login using the credentials provided above or by registering your own user.


You can access the dashboard either by using the "Dashboard" link in the left sidebar or by adding /home in the url.

Profile edit

You have the option to edit the current logged in user's profile (change name, email and password). To access this page just click the "User profile" link in the left sidebar or by adding /profile in the url.

The App\Htttp\Controlers\ProfileController handles the update of the user information.

public function update(ProfileRequest $request)

    return back()->withStatus(__('Profile successfully updated.'));

Also you shouldn't worry about entering wrong data in the inputs when editing the profile, validation rules were added to prevent this (see App\Http\Requests\ProfileRequest). If you try to change the password you will see that other validation rules were added in App\Http\Requests\PasswordRequest. Notice that in this file you have a custom validation rule that can be found in App\Rules\CurrentPasswordCheckRule.

public function rules()
    return [
        'old_password' => ['required', 'min:6', new CurrentPasswordCheckRule],
        'password' => ['required', 'min:6', 'confirmed', 'different:old_password'],
        'password_confirmation' => ['required', 'min:6'],

User management

The preset comes with a user management option out of the box. To access this click the "User Management" link in the left sidebar or add /user to the url. The first thing you will see is the listing of the existing users. You can add new ones by clicking the "Add user" button (above the table on the right). On the Add user page you will see the form that allows you to do this. All pages are generate using blade templates:

<div class="row">
  <label class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">{{ __('Name') }}</label>
  <div class="col-sm-7">
    <div class="form-group{{ $errors->has('name') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}">
      <input class="form-control{{ $errors->has('name') ? ' is-invalid' : '' }}" name="name" id="input-name" type="text" placeholder="{{ __('Name') }}" value="{{ old('name') }}" required="true" aria-required="true"/>
      @if ($errors->has('name'))
        <span id="name-error" class="error text-danger" for="input-name">{{ $errors->first('name') }}</span>

Also validation rules were added so you will know exactely what to enter in the form fields (see App\Http\Requests\UserRequest). Note that these validation rules also apply for the user edit option.

public function rules()
    return [
        'name' => [
            'required', 'min:3'
        'email' => [
            'required', 'email', Rule::unique((new User)->getTable())->ignore($this->route()->user->id ?? null)
        'password' => [
            $this->route()->user ? 'nullable' : 'required', 'confirmed', 'min:6'

Once you add more users, the list will get bigger and for every user you will have edit and delete options (access these options by clicking the three dotted menu that appears at the end of every line).

All the sample code for the user management can be found in App\Http\Controllers\UserController. See store method example bellow:

public function store(UserRequest $request, User $model)
    $model->create($request->merge(['password' => Hash::make($request->get('password'))])->all());

    return redirect()->route('user.index')->withStatus(__('User successfully created.'));

Table of Contents


Material Dashboard HTML Material Dashboard Laravel


Register Login Dashboard
Register Login Dashboard
Profile Page Users Page Tables Page
Profile Page Users Page Tables Page
View More


The documentation for the Material Dashboard Laravel is hosted at our website.

File Structure

|   +---Http
|   |   +---Controllers
|   |   |       HomeController.php
|   |   |       ProfileController.php
|   |   |       UserController.php
|   |   |       
|   |   \---Requests
|   |           PasswordRequest.php
|   |           ProfileRequest.php
|   |           UserRequest.php
|   |           
|   \---Rules
|           CurrentPasswordCheckRule.php
|   \---seeds
|           DatabaseSeeder.php
|           UsersTableSeeder.php
    |   +---css
    |   |       material-dashboard-rtl.css
    |   |       material-dashboard.css
    |   |       material-dashboard.css.map
    |   |       material-dashboard.min.css
    |   |       
    |   +---demo
    |   |       demo.css
    |   |       demo.js
    |   |       
    |   +---img
    |   +---js
    |   |   |   material-dashboard.js
    |   |   |   material-dashboard.js.map
    |   |   |   material-dashboard.min.js
    |   |   |   settings.js
    |   |   |   
    |   |   +---core
    |   |   |       bootstrap-material-design.min.js
    |   |   |       jquery.min.js
    |   |   |       popper.min.js
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---plugins
    |   |           arrive.min.js
    |   |           bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js
    |   |           bootstrap-notify.js
    |   |           bootstrap-selectpicker.js
    |   |           bootstrap-tagsinput.js
    |   |           chartist.min.js
    |   |           fullcalendar.min.js
    |   |           jasny-bootstrap.min.js
    |   |           jquery-jvectormap.js
    |   |           jquery.bootstrap-wizard.js
    |   |           jquery.dataTables.min.js
    |   |           jquery.tagsinput.js
    |   |           jquery.validate.min.js
    |   |           moment.min.js
    |   |           nouislider.min.js
    |   |           perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js
    |   |           sweetalert2.js
    |   |           
    |   \---scss
    |       |   material-dashboard.scss
    |       |   
    |       \---material-dashboard
    |           |   _alerts.scss
    |           |   _buttons.scss
    |           |   _cards.scss
    |           |   _checkboxes.scss
    |           |   _core-bootstrap.scss
    |           |   _dropdown.scss
    |           |   _example-pages.scss
    |           |   _fixed-plugin.scss
    |           |   _footers.scss
    |           |   _forms.scss
    |           |   _headers.scss
    |           |   _images.scss
    |           |   _info-areas.scss
    |           |   _input-group.scss
    |           |   _misc.scss
    |           |   _mixins.scss
    |           |   _navbar.scss
    |           |   _popover.scss
    |           |   _popups.scss
    |           |   _radios.scss
    |           |   _responsive.scss
    |           |   _ripples.scss
    |           |   _sidebar-and-main-panel.scss
    |           |   _social-buttons.scss
    |           |   _tables.scss
    |           |   _tabs.scss
    |           |   _togglebutton.scss
    |           |   _tooltip.scss
    |           |   _type.scss
    |           |   _variables.scss
    |           |   
    |           +---bootstrap
    |           |   \---scss
    |           |       |   bootstrap-grid.scss
    |           |       |   bootstrap-reboot.scss
    |           |       |   bootstrap.scss
    |           |       |   _alert.scss
    |           |       |   _badge.scss
    |           |       |   _breadcrumb.scss
    |           |       |   _button-group.scss
    |           |       |   _buttons.scss
    |           |       |   _card.scss
    |           |       |   _carousel.scss
    |           |       |   _close.scss
    |           |       |   _code.scss
    |           |       |   _custom-forms.scss
    |           |       |   _dropdown.scss
    |           |       |   _forms.scss
    |           |       |   _functions.scss
    |           |       |   _grid.scss
    |           |       |   _images.scss
    |           |       |   _input-group.scss
    |           |       |   _jumbotron.scss
    |           |       |   _list-group.scss
    |           |       |   _media.scss
    |           |       |   _mixins.scss
    |           |       |   _modal.scss
    |           |       |   _nav.scss
    |           |       |   _navbar.scss
    |           |       |   _pagination.scss
    |           |       |   _popover.scss
    |           |       |   _print.scss
    |           |       |   _progress.scss
    |           |       |   _reboot.scss
    |           |       |   _root.scss
    |           |       |   _tables.scss
    |           |       |   _tooltip.scss
    |           |       |   _transitions.scss
    |           |       |   _type.scss
    |           |       |   _utilities.scss
    |           |       |   _variables.scss
    |           |       |   
    |           |       +---mixins
    |           |       |       _alert.scss
    |           |       |       _background-variant.scss
    |           |       |       _badge.scss
    |           |       |       _border-radius.scss
    |           |       |       _box-shadow.scss
    |           |       |       _breakpoints.scss
    |           |       |       _buttons.scss
    |           |       |       _caret.scss
    |           |       |       _clearfix.scss
    |           |       |       _float.scss
    |           |       |       _forms.scss
    |           |       |       _gradients.scss
    |           |       |       _grid-framework.scss
    |           |       |       _grid.scss
    |           |       |       _hover.scss
    |           |       |       _image.scss
    |           |       |       _list-group.scss
    |           |       |       _lists.scss
    |           |       |       _nav-divider.scss
    |           |       |       _navbar-align.scss
    |           |       |       _pagination.scss
    |           |       |       _reset-text.scss
    |           |       |       _resize.scss
    |           |       |       _screen-reader.scss
    |           |       |       _size.scss
    |           |       |       _table-row.scss
    |           |       |       _text-emphasis.scss
    |           |       |       _text-hide.scss
    |           |       |       _text-truncate.scss
    |           |       |       _transition.scss
    |           |       |       _visibility.scss
    |           |       |       
    |           |       \---utilities
    |           |               _align.scss
    |           |               _background.scss
    |           |               _borders.scss
    |           |               _clearfix.scss
    |           |               _display.scss
    |           |               _embed.scss
    |           |               _flex.scss
    |           |               _float.scss
    |           |               _position.scss
    |           |               _screenreaders.scss
    |           |               _sizing.scss
    |           |               _spacing.scss
    |           |               _text.scss
    |           |               _visibility.scss
    |           |               
    |           +---cards
    |           |       _card-plain.scss
    |           |       _card-profile.scss
    |           |       _card-stats.scss
    |           |       
    |           +---mixins
    |           |       _alert.scss
    |           |       _animations.scss
    |           |       _breakpoints.scss
    |           |       _buttons.scss
    |           |       _chartist.scss
    |           |       _colored-shadows.scss
    |           |       _drawer.scss
    |           |       _forms.scss
    |           |       _hover.scss
    |           |       _layout.scss
    |           |       _navbar-colors.scss
    |           |       _navs.scss
    |           |       _sidebar-color.scss
    |           |       _transparency.scss
    |           |       _type.scss
    |           |       _utilities.scss
    |           |       _variables.scss
    |           |       _vendor-prefixes.scss
    |           |       
    |           +---plugins
    |           |       _animate.scss
    |           |       _chartist.scss
    |           |       _perfect-scrollbar.scss
    |           |       
    |           \---variables
    |                   _body.scss
    |                   _bootstrap-material-design-base.scss
    |                   _bootstrap-material-design.scss
    |                   _brand.scss
    |                   _buttons.scss
    |                   _card.scss
    |                   _code.scss
    |                   _colors-map.scss
    |                   _colors.scss
    |                   _custom-forms.scss
    |                   _drawer.scss
    |                   _dropdown.scss
    |                   _forms.scss
    |                   _layout.scss
    |                   _list-group.scss
    |                   _menu.scss
    |                   _modals.scss
    |                   _nav.scss
    |                   _pagination.scss
    |                   _shadow.scss
    |                   _snackbar.scss
    |                   _spacing.scss
    |                   _state.scss
    |                   _tables.scss
    |                   _tooltip.scss
    |                   _type.scss
        |   dashboard.blade.php
        |   home.blade.php
        |   welcome.blade.php
        |   |   login.blade.php
        |   |   register.blade.php
        |   |   verify.blade.php
        |   |   
        |   \---passwords
        |           email.blade.php
        |           reset.blade.php
        |   |   app.blade.php
        |   |   
        |   +---footers
        |   |       auth.blade.php
        |   |       guest.blade.php
        |   |       
        |   +---navbars
        |   |   |   sidebar.blade.php
        |   |   |   
        |   |   \---navs
        |   |           auth.blade.php
        |   |           guest.blade.php
        |   |           
        |   \---page_templates
        |           auth.blade.php
        |           guest.blade.php
        |       icons.blade.php
        |       language.blade.php
        |       map.blade.php
        |       notifications.blade.php
        |       table_list.blade.php
        |       typography.blade.php
        |       upgrade.blade.php
        |       edit.blade.php

Browser Support

At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers:


Material Dashboard HTML Material Dashboard Laravel

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Reporting Issues

We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the Material Dashboard Laravel. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the Material Dashboard Laravel. Check the CHANGELOG from your dashboard on our website.
  2. Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
  3. Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help.


Useful Links

Social Media

Creative Tim:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreativeTim?ref=mdl-readme

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeTim?ref=mdl-readme

Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/creativetim?ref=mdl-readme

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CreativeTimOfficial?ref=mdl-readme


Twitter: https://twitter.com/updivision?ref=mdl-readme

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/updivision?ref=mdl-readme

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/updivision?ref=mdl-readme

Updivision Blog: https://updivision.com/blog/?ref=mdl-readme
