This is the official implementation of the paper AGAIN-VC: A One-shot Voice Conversion using Activation Guidance and Adaptive Instance Normalization.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is the official implementation of the paper AGAIN-VC: A One-shot Voice Conversion using Activation Guidance and Adaptive Instance Normalization. AGAIN-VC is an auto-encoder-based model, comprising of a single encoder and a decoder. With a proper activation as an information bottleneck on content embeddings, the trade-off between the synthesis quality and thespeaker similarity of the converted speech is improved drastically.

The demo page is here, and the pretrained model is available here.

The figure shows the model overview. The left part is the encoder, while the right part is the decoder. Note that L1 Loss is to make the input mel-spectrogram and the output as close as possible.



python preprocess.py [--config <CONFIG>] [--njobs <NJOBS>]

# Example:
python preprocess.py -c config/preprocess.yaml

Preprocessing the wave files into acoustic features (eg. mel-spectrogram). Note that we provide a tiny subset of VCTK corpus in this repo just for checking whether the code works or not. If you want to use the whole VCTK corpus, please make sure to revise the preprocessing config file first.

Making indexes for training

python make_indexes.py [--config <CONFIG>]

# Example
python make_indexes.py -c config/make_indexes.yaml

Splitting the train/dev set from the preprocessed features.


python train.py 
                [--config <CONFIG>]
                [--dry] [--debug] [--seed <SEED>]
                [--load <LOAD>]
                [--njobs <NJOBS>] 
                [--total-steps <TOTAL_STEPS>]
                [--verbose-steps <VERBOSE_STEPS>] 
                [--log-steps <LOG_STEPS>]
                [--save-steps <SAVE_STEPS>]
                [--eval-steps <EVAL_STEPS>]
# Example
python train.py \
  -c config/train_again-c4s.yaml \
  --seed 1234567 \
  --total-steps 100000

Note we use wandb as the default training logger. You can also use other training logger like tensorboard, but you need to edit util/mylogger.py first.


python inference.py
                    --load <LOAD>
                    --source <SOURCE>
                    --target <TARGET>
                    --output <OUTPUT>
                    [--config <CONFIG>]
                    [--dsp-config <DSP_CONFIG>]
                    [--seglen <SEGLEN>] [--dry] [--debug] [--seed <SEED>]
                    [--njobs <NJOBS>]

# Example
python inference.py \
  -c config/train_again-c4s.yaml \
  -l checkpoints/again/c4s \
  -s data/wav48/p225/p225_001.wav \
  -t data/wav48/p226/p226_001.wav \
  -o data/generated


We also provide a google colab for inference: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Q3v2bTKPV0jB1F_dBT1YuqINDq9a52qO?usp=sharing