
A small library written in C# using the .NET 4 framework which provides easy access to the Wolfram Alpha (http://www.wolframalpha.com) API through any .NET language (as it's CLS-compliant).

Primary LanguageC#

Wolfram API

This library provides:

  • An easy way of solving mathematical operations.
  • An easy way of requesting informations about specific words, topics, etc. (WIP)
  • Well documented and clean source code.
  • CLS-compliancy

In order to use, you need:

  • An application identifier (AppID) from Wolfram. You can get one for free, you just have to register your application.
  • .NET Framework 4.0

A very simple example

var client = new WAClient("XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX"); // replace that with your AppID.
var solution = client.Solve("33^4 + sqrt(12^2 + 13^2)"); // replace with any mathematical operation

// 'solution' now contains the solution by Wolfram Alpha.
// report bugs! :)