
Primary LanguagePython

Seniva TTS 帜和语朗读程序

臤徘斯 Kinboise


A TTS program for my conlang Seniva. Can be adapted to other languages.

安装 Installation

安装 Python3。并安装所需的包:

Requires Python3 and packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

安装支持 SAPI5 的音源。我这里使用了 RHVoice.org 的免费音源。

Install voice banks that supports SAPI 5. I'm using free voices from RHVoice.org.


Download/Clone this repo.

用法 Usage


Use this command for help:

python senivatts.py -h

实例 Examples

使用第二个波兰语音源,1.5倍速朗读 "mi e hafa-gara vol."

Read "mi e hafa-gara vol." with the 2nd Polish voice bank, 1.5x rate.

python senivatts.py -t "mi e hafa-gara vol." -l pl -v 2 -r 1.5


Read the file soc.txt with the 1st Albanian voice bank, and output a wave file soc.wav

python senivatts.py -f soc.txt -l sq -o soc.wav

配置文件 Config

senivatts.yml 中包含声库注册表路径(部分)、基准语速、帜和语转换规则。如利用塞尔维亚语声库sr来朗读帜和语时,输入的文本 "tence Dcanqovi" 会被转为 "tenče džanovi" 来朗读。如需适配其他语言,更改各语种的rules部分即可。

senivatts.yml contains names of the voice banks, the default rate, and the rules to convert Seniva text. Take sr Serbian as an example. Seniva text input "tence Dcanqovi" will be converted to "tenče džanovi" for the Serbian TTS to read. Change rules to adapt to other languages.