
MEN Backend Template is a boilerplate project for building web applications using the MEN stack — MongoDB, Express, and Node.js. It provides a solid foundation for developing scalable and maintainable backend services.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MEN Backend Template

MEN Backend Template is a boilerplate project for building web applications using the MEN stack — MongoDB, Express, and Node.js. It provides a solid foundation for developing scalable and maintainable backend services.

Table of Contents


MEN Backend Template offers a ready-to-use architecture for building powerful backend services. It is designed to streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on building features rather than setting up the initial project structure.


  • MongoDB Integration: Easily connect to MongoDB for data storage.
  • Express Middleware: Pre-configured middleware for common tasks.
  • Routing System: Organized routing structure for managing API endpoints.
  • Environment Configuration: Utilizes environment variables for configuration.
  • Error Handling: Includes error handling middleware for consistent responses.
  • Logging: Integrated logging for monitoring and debugging.

(Add more features as needed)

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up the MEN Backend Template on your local machine for development purposes.



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/MEN-Backend-Template.git
  2. Change directory:

    cd MEN-Backend-Template
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install


  1. Configure environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory and set the necessary variables:

  2. Start the server:

    npm start

Folder Structure

  • /config: Configuration files and environment setup.
  • /controllers: Request handlers and business logic.
  • /middleware: Custom middleware functions.
  • /models: MongoDB models for data schema.
  • /routes: Express route definitions.
  • /utils: Utility functions and helper modules.

(Adjust the folder structure based on your project's needs)


We welcome contributions from the community! If you find any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request