
Assignment 4 in a C++ course

Primary LanguageC++

Date: 15/4/2018
Last Edit: 1/5/2018


Assignment 4 and 5 in a C++ course


Dvir Barzilay
Kineret Ruth Nahary


About the assignment:

Create a class called CircularInt that represent an integer in a circular math, for example an hour in a clock.
This object is initiate as the minimal number in the range.
The object is changed by operators, for example:
CircularInt ci (1,12); ci current number will be initiate as the minimal number - 1.
ci += 13 ---> ci will use a function called normalize after adding 1+13 = 14,
so that the current number will be in the range :
14 - 12 = 2 ---> current number - the amount of numbers in the range = until it'll give a nubmer in range.

File list:

README  .md  

Further look into the classes:

  1. main.cpp - This class has some examples to run and check the code with it.
  2. CircularInt.hpp - This class defines this new object called CircularInt. Its fields are :
    start - The minimal number for the range.
    end - Th maximal number for the range.
    range - The amount of numbers in the range.
    number - The current number in the range.
  3. CircularInt.cpp - This class implements all the functions needed for CircularInt, and all the operators overload.

Compile Command:

g++ -std=c++11 *.cpp