
Assignment 9, cpp course

Primary LanguageC++

Date: 10/6/2018
Last Edit: 11/6/2018


Assignment 9 in a C++ course


Dvir Barzilay
Kineret Ruth Nahary
Shmuel Shimoni


About the assignment:

This assignment is for practicing creating otomatic testers for a project.
We need to create a class that represents the testers - TestCase class.
In this class there need to be 4 functions that checks equal, difference, output and function.
Those checking functions need to be of type template.
The class need to have a print function that will print the number of passed, failed and total cases.

File list:


Further look into the classes:

  1. main.cpp - This class has some examples to run and check the code with it.
  2. TestCase.hpp - This class represents a testing class. Its fields are :
    total, passed, failed - The number of failed, passed and total cases checked by the class.
    _name - The name of the test type.
    c - An ostream object to be used.
  3. TestCase.cpp - The implementation of TestCase.hpp.

Compile Command:

g++ -std=c++11 *.cpp