Common Knowledge


A world of abundance, free from oppression.

To get there, we need people who are confident in their capacity to self-organise, empowered by digital technology.


Working directly with grassroots activists, we design digital tools that make radical change possible.



Common Knowledge seeks to empower people to change their own lives through self-organisation. We trust that people can.


Common Knowledge acts in solidarity with those who are struggling against all forms of oppression. Solidarity is power. Diversity is strength.


Common Knowledge is active and practical in approach. We use theory and practice to intensify each other.


Common Knowledge acts thoughtfully, listens carefully and learns. We build tools and structures for ourselves and others as we go.


Common Knowledge acts with generosity and compassion. We are part of a wider ecosystem and rely upon other people, their communities and the natural world.


Common Knowledge practices openness, between ourselves and with others. Open work invites collaboration and iteration. We want to show others how to do what we do and keep ourselves accountable.


Common Knowledge is optimistic about the power of people to collectively overcome oppression and build a better future.


As a not-for-profit workers cooperative, we also adhere to the cooperative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.

Constent reached 18th of October 2019.

Review 18th of April 2020.