
Plugin for PhpStorm IDE. Adds auto-completion support for various built-in PHP functions, where parameter is a string literal.

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PhpStorm IDE Plugin:
PHP Advanced AutoComplete

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Plugin URL: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7276

Adds auto-completion support for various built-in PHP functions and methods, where parameter is a string literal.

The following functions are currently supported:

  • header / header_remove
    HTTP response headers, status codes, charsets, mime-types, locations, and much more

  • File and folder related functions and methods (fopen, file_get_contents, dir...)
    Files and/or folders paths relative to the current file (completion and reference)

  • date / strftime / DateTime::format etc
    Format characters and common format strings

  • strtotime / DateTime constructor / DateTime::modify
    DateTime notations

  • htmlentities / htmlspecialchars
    Supported charsets

  • mb_string functions
    Charset, where required; types for mb_get_info and supported languages for mb_language

  • extension_loaded
    Known PHP extensions

  • fopen / popen / SplFileInfo::openFile
    File modes

  • fsockopen / stream_socket_client
    Socket transports (tcp://, udp://, etc)

  • mysql_connect/mysqli_connect/mysqli/PDO
    Hostnames, database names and usernames from data sources defined in project

  • mysql_select_db/mysqli_select_db/mysqli::select_db
    Database names from data sources defined in project

  • mysqli_change_user/mysqli::change_user
    Usernames and database names from data sources defined in project

  • mysql_set_charset/mysqli_set_charset/mysqli::set_charset
    Supported charsets for MySQL

  • getenv
    Common environment variables (like in $_SERVER array keys)

If you have further suggestions/ideas, just send me an e-mail to phpstorm at king2500.net.