Data Structures II


  • Tree
  • Graph
  • Binary Search Tree


  • Should have the methods: addChild, and contains
  • Each node on the tree should have a value property and a children array.
  • addChild(value) should accept a value and add it to that node's children array.
  • contains(value) should return true if the tree or its children the given value.
  • When you add nodes to the children array use new Tree(value) to create the node.
  • You can instantiate the Tree class inside of itself.

Binary Search Tree

  • Should have the methods: insert, contains, depthFirstForEach, and breadthFirstForEach.
  • insert(value) inserts the new value at the correct location in the tree.
  • contains(value) searches the tree and returns true if the the tree contains the specified value.
  • depthFirstForEach(cb) should iterate over the tree using DFS and passes each node of the tree to the given callback function.
  • breadthFirstForEach(cb) should iterate over the tree using BFS and passes each node of the tree to the given callback function (hint: you'll need to either re-implement or import a queue data structure for this).


  • Should have methods named addvertex, contains, removeVertex, addEdge, checkIfEdgeExists, and removeEdge
  • addVertex(value, edges) should add a new vertex to the graph with the specified value. If edges is given then the new vertex should share an edge with the given vertex.
  • contains(value) should return true if the graph contains a vertex with the specified value.
  • removeVertex(value) should remove the vertex with the specified value from the graph.
  • addEdge(fromVertex, toVertex) should add an edge between the two specified vertices.
  • checkIfEdgeExists(fromVertex, toVertex) should return true if an edge exists between the two specified vertices.
  • removeEdge(fromVertex, toVertex) should remove the edge between the two specified vertices.

Extra Credit

  • Read up on heaps here and watch this great introductory video. Then implement one! The methods you'll need to implement are already present inside the file.
  • Add a method to the Graph class that searches through the graph using edges. Make this search first as a depth first search and then refactor to a breadth first search.
  • Read up on red-black trees here. Then implement one! No starter files or skeleton code here. If you've gotten this far, you're on your own! :)