
hb.rb is a "simple" script to automate HandbrakeCLI

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

hb.rb is a "simple" ruby-script to add some more features to HandbrakeCLI.

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt (available in archive). This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.

Main advantages of the script are:

  • no need to work with audio-track-numbers - simply use "deu", "eng", etc. to specifiy the wanted language(s)
  • filter tracks by duration (e.g. to convert all episodes from a dvd)
  • prevent tracks from converting twice
  • works with single-files, DVDs and with blurays
  • recursive converting
  • works also with presets (plist and own presets)

Information about this fork

I've made some changes to this script to make it work better on Windows. I've also tweaked it a bit to make it work better with my (intended) workflow. All credit goes to the original author, I've simply hacked stuff about, so any errors introduced are mine.


To run hb.rb you need an installed ruby-interpreter. You can get the current version of ruby for your platfrom from http://www.ruby-lang.org/


  1. download the latest version from https://github.com/AlBundy33/hb_rb/tree/master/build
  2. extract the archive
  3. download Handbrake CLI for your platform from http://handbrake.fr/downloads2.php
  4. extract/install Hanbrake CLI to the appropriate folder in hb.rb-installation-folder under tools/handbrake (e.g. HandbrakeCLI.exe to tools/handbrake/windows)
  5. repeat step 4 for AtomicParsley and/or Subler if you want to tag your files with tag_epsiodes.rb
  6. if you want to work with presets in plist-files you have to install this gem
    gem install plist
  7. if you want to use tag_episodes.rb you have to install some gems with following commands
    gem install hpricot
    gem install imdb
  8. if you use a ruby-version < 1.9.0 you'll get an error-message when loading imdb - in that case simply open series.rb (path is in stacktrace) and add a \ at the end of line 18


Now you should be able to run hb.rb. Maybe directly via ./hb.rb or via path_to_ruby/ruby.exe hb.rb

To get a list of possible options and example-calls run hb.rb without any arguments or with --help.

For any questions about hb.rb use also this thread https://forum.handbrake.fr/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=26163

convert main-feature with all original-tracks (audio and subtitle) for languages german and english (override languages with --lang)
hb.rb --input /dev/rdisk1 --output "~/Movie.m4v" --movie

convert all episodes with all original-tracks (audio and subtitle) for languages german and english
hb.rb --input /dev/rdisk1 --output "~/Series_SeasonX_#pos#.m4v" --episodes

convert complete file or DVD with all tracks, languages etc.
hb.rb --input /dev/rdisk1 --output "~/Output_#pos#.m4v"

convert all MKVs recursive in a directory
hb.rb --input "~/MKV/**/*.mkv" --output "~/#title#.m4v"

tag and or rename converted files

If your ripped files are orderd e.g. for According to Jim Season 1

ATJ_S1D1T2.m4v (season 1, disc 1, title 2)
ATJ_S1D1T3.m4v (season 1, disc 1, title 3)

you can run

tag_episode.rb --id Accordingtojim --season 1 --episode 1 --tag --rename ATJ_S1*.m4v

So the first file will have the name and tags for episode 1, the second file for episode 2 and so on.