Note: Please fork the current Udacity repository so that you will have a remote repository in your Github account. Clone the remote repository to your local machine. Later, as a part of the project "Post your Work on Github", you will push your proposed changes to the remote repository in your Github account.
This project was created and ubmitted on the 13th of September 2023.
This project was done and submitted by David Oduse
Git & Version Control
The project repository containing this project is hosted here
This project teaches one how to utilize Git and Github to showcase one's prtfolio of projects to the public.
The files used in this projects include:
- The data file (
- The .gitignore files that excludes sensitive data from being shared to the public repo.
- The README file containing the project's documentation.
All credits is given to the Udacity Team for sharing some of the sample datasets used for thid project.