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#Undirected graph points data
(113, 70)-(149, 68)
(149, 68)-(211, 68)
(211, 68)-(211, 111)
(211, 111)-(211, 154)
(249, 69)-(211, 68)
(249, 69)-(286, 69)
(286, 112)-(286, 69)
(286, 112)-(286, 156)
(286, 156)-(211, 154)
(286, 156)-(286, 200)
(286, 200)-(286, 257)
(286, 257)-(286, 344)
(286, 344)-(348, 344)
(348, 344)-(348, 256)
(286, 257)-(348, 256)
(210, 257)-(211, 154)
(210, 257)-(286, 257)
(211, 343)-(286, 344)
(211, 343)-(210, 257)
(113, 70)-(112, 156)
(112, 156)-(153, 257)
(112, 156)-(211, 154)
(153, 257)-(210, 257)
(300, 389)-(286, 344)