RoR2EditorKit is a Thunderkit Extension for developing mods inside the UnityEditor, providing a myriad of Inspectors, Property Drawers, Editor Windows and more.
At it's core, RoR2EditorKit should not have any classes or systems that depend on runtime usage, RoR2EditorKit works exclusively for speeding up the modding enviroment.
To Download RoR2EditorKit to your project, it is recommended that you either add it via the ThunderKit extension store, or adding it via Unity's PackageManager (Downloading a specific tagged version is recommended).
Once installed, it is heavily reccommended to open the ThunderkitSettings window to modify certain settings that RoR2EditorKit will use while helping you develop the mod.
- RoR2EditorKitSettings: Settings of the extension itself
- Token Prefix: A prefix for your mod, it's used to generate unique tokens.
- Main Manifest: The manifest of your mod, used in a myriad of tools to know the assetbundle or the main DLL.
- In case you need to extend RoR2EditorKit's functionality for your own purposes (Such as a custom inspector for a mod you're working on), you can look into this wiki page that explains how to extend the editor's functionality using RoR2EditorKit's systems.
Contributing to RoR2EditorKit is as simple as creating a fork, and cloning the project. the main folder (RoR2EditorKit) is a unity project itself. Simply opening it with the unity version ror2 uses will allow you to edit the project to your heart's content.
A more detailed Contribution guideline can be found here