
An Android application that mimics Slack. It is built with Kotlin, Auth0 and Chatkit

Primary LanguageKotlin

Android Slack Clone

An Android app that mimics the popular work communication tool - Slack.


You need the following installed:

You need an account with the following services:

Getting started

To start with, clone the repository and open the project in Android Studio.

Setting up an Auth0 client app

  • Create an account at Auth0 and login to your dashboard.
  • Create a new Android native client in Auth0.
  • Copy out the client_id and domain_name details from your Auth0 app and replace it with the holders in the strings.xml file in the Android app. This file is located at - /{NameOfProject}/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml.
  • Next, configure your login page. Head over to the Hosted Pages section of your Dashboard. At the top of your the code editor, click the menu entitled Default Templates and pick Lock (Passwordless) from the list.
  • Add a callback to your Auth0 application. It should be something like this: demo://AUTH_DOMAIN_NAME/android/com.example.androidslackclone/callback

Setting up the backend

In this sample, the backend is built with Node.js and it is hosted on WebTask. Create a new account on Webtask, and a new server instance, say - slack-clone. Paste the code from the server.js file into the new Webtask instance created.

Your Webtask account has a unique BASE_URL while instances you create are just appended as endpoints to it. Copy the BASE_URL of your Webtask app (which is something like this: - https://wt-25e341bb2fca3ab10c862fb71cda965c-0.sandbox.auth0-extend.com/) to the BASE_URL variable in the SlackCloneApp Kotlin class in your Android application.

Setting up a ChatKit app

  • Create a ChatKit account and login to your dashboard.
  • Create a new ChatKit instance.
  • Copy the instance locator value to the INSTANCE_LOCATOR variable in the SlackCloneApp Kotlin class.
  • Replace the CHATKIT_INSTANCE_LOCATOR holder in your server instance with the instance locator value too.
  • Copy the secret key value from your ChatKit instance to the CHATKIT_SECRET_KEY holder in your server instance.
  • Create a new user named admin and create a new room named general, this is to make things easier on the client end.