To build program with a terminal navigate to directory "/StarshipFontana-master" Enter the following to a terminal:
g++ -c -std=c++11 src/*.cpp g++ -o starship *.o -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image
To run program enter the following to the terminal:
Code::Blocks IDE v16.01 used to modify sample code Unable to build & run program with Code::Blocks due to issues between Code::Blocks & SDL2
1: Functions added to allow player object to move up & down.
2: Code for firing bullets commented out. Code left as it could be reinstated to create a tank style game.
3: Code modified to randomly generate starting positions of player, coins & aliens. True random generation attempted using "srand(time(NULL))" function, but all objects spawned in the same place due to function being called much faster than random number being updated. Using "SDL_Delay()" on each function call proved to cause genuine random starting positions, but with a total delay of ~8 seconds to program startup time. This should result in 14 objects on screen, but is not perfectly reliable. I think a longer SDL_Delay would fix this but startup delay would become unacceptably long.
4: Implement collision detection between player, coins & aliens - NOT IMPLEMENTED DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS
5: Change sprites for different items - NOT IMPLEMENTED DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS This would simply require changing the .png files within "StarshipFontana-master/assets"
Original README below
This is an example C++ application using the SDL library. It tries to be as nicely C++11 as possible but do keep in mind that SDL is written in C and, at some stage, you have to interface with it.
The evil b’Kuhn has stolen the code to Earth’s defence system. With this code he can, at any time, defeat the entire human race. Only one woman is brave enough to go after b’Kuhn. Will she be Earth’s hero? Puzzle your way though the universe in the company of Commander Fontana in Starship Fontana.
You will have to have the SDL development libraries installed on your system. The easiest way to compile is to use a command-line
$ g++ -c -std=c++11 src/*.cpp
$ g++ -o starship *.o -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image
which will produce an executable file called "starship" in the top-level directory. To execute this file do the following
$ ./starship
from the top-level directory. The game will expect to find the
directory under its current working directory.
The sprites in this game come directly from SpriteLib and are used under the terms of the CPL 1.0.