
ALX projects on working with python for the backend

Primary LanguagePython

ALX Backend Python


This is a repository for projects and tasks for the ALX Backend Python specialization. It contains projects and tasks for the following topics:

  • Python variable annotations

Directory Structure

The repository is organized as follows:

├── 0x00-python_variable_annotations
│   ├── [0-add.py](./0x00-python_variable_annotations/0-add.py)
│   ├── 1-concat.py
│   ├── 2-floor.py
│   ├── 3-to_str.py
│   ├── 4-define_variables.py
│   ├── 5-sum_list.py
│   ├── 6-sum_mixed_list.py
│   ├── 7-to_kv.py
│   ├── 8-make_multiplier.py
│   ├── 9-element_length.py

Getting Started

