
My first React project!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My first React project!

There might be a bug or two that i have missed but for a first project i have to thank this video:

for guding and helping me learn my way through the starting points of react!


I'll be using yarn commands but you can also use npm the same way as usual

$ npm install

This will install all of the requried packages for the project!

$ yarn server

This command will start the json server where the "database" will be held for the tasks

$ yarn start

This command will start up the Development build for the website

$ yarn build

This will create a build folder containing everything you need for the production.

You can find the website on your own machine at http://localhost:3000 You can also find the json-server at http://localhost:5000/tasks

This project was fun to do/learn! :D