
This is a twitch bot which can auto moderate multiple channels

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This is a twitch bot which can auto moderate multiple channels

Commands can be found at https://github.com/KingOKarma/TwitchModBot/tree/main/src/commands#readme


  • Copy example.config.yml as config.yml and fill in the gaps, all info is in the file

  • Rename example.storage.yml to storage.yml and dont touch anything else there



npm run start or yarn start


Make sure to use tsc then run pm2 start build/bot.js

Just using node

tsc first to build then run node build/bot.js

Required User scope:
  • user:edit:broadcast

Login to your account and go here: Redirect link referance: https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[CLIENTID]&redirect_uri=[OneOfTheLinksFromYourRedirectURL]&response_type=token&scope=user:edit:broadcast

Replace CLIENTID and OneOfTheLinksFromYourRedirectURL

Required Bot scopes
  • chat:read
  • chat:edit
  • channel:moderate
  • whispers:read
  • whispers:edit

Login to your bot account and go here: Redirect link referance: https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[CLIENTID]&redirect_uri=[OneOfTheLinksFromYourRedirectURL]&response_type=token&scope=chat:read%20chat:edit%20channel:moderate%20whispers:read%20whispers:edit

Replace CLIENTID and OneOfTheLinksFromYourRedirectURL

Thank you for using the bot!

This code was made for a fiver commission over at https://www.fiverr.com/kingofkarma

Make sure to go support my other github projects/commissions!