Made for TurtyWurty competition, Adds in multiple water based stuff such as wands, armor and more!
This is a collaboration between Realz, Basti, Ilja, and Ryorama
Here are the Added Items:
4 Water orbs Charge the orb by clicking on water. The water will be consumed by using specific items. The higher the level of the orb, the more water it can contain.
Wand of the moving Water Lets you move big areas of water for the cost of water.
Aquatic Helmet When wearing this helmet you won't lose air underwater, for the cost of water out of your Orb!
Aquatic Chestplate This Chestplate will spawn little Water Bubbles around you, which attack enemies that come to close to you. Every time a new Defender is spawned, water will be consumed.
Sunken Leggings A Leggings made out of heavy Metal, which cause you to fall down to the floor of the ocean and will cause you a hard time swimming.
Flopper Boots These magic Boots let you swim faster under the water, for the cost of water.
Sunken Metal Block A block so heavy that it can only be found on the floor of Oceans
Sunken Metal Ingot This ingot is made out of the Sunken Metal Block and can be used for crafting various items.
Heavy Boat A boat made out of the Sunken Metal Ingot. It's so heavy that you will sink to the ocean floor.
Water Shard Crafting ingredient for the Armor.
Orb Infuser Build the structure around it and start the ritual to upgrade your Water Orbs!
Infusion Key Used to start the Ritual of the Orb Infuser.