
jQuery Sugarsync Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery SugarSync v0.0.3

"jQuery SugarSync" is a jQuery Plugin to add SugarSync functionality (https://www.sugarsync.com/) to the jQuery Library (http://jquery.com/).


Copyright 2012, Riccardo Re

Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.



  • selector The jQuery selector, targeting an element you'd like to use as a sugarsync plugin reference
  • oOptions An optional JavaScript object that you may pass if you would like to customize the experience with the plugin. Below is a list of properties that you may set on the options object and their respective effect.
    • oOptions.username
      • The username to use for the sugarsync service
    • oOptions.password
      • The password to use for the sugarsync service
    • oOptions.applicationID {String: "using jQuery SugarSync's plugin"}
      • A sugarsync's application ID ot use a custom application
    • oOptions.accessKeyID {String: "using jQuery SugarSync's plugin"}
      • A sugarsync's Access Key ID to use a custom application
    • oOptions.privateAccessKey {String: "using jQuery SugarSync's plugin"}
      • A sugarsync's private access key to use a custom application
  • selector The jQuery selector, targeting an element you are using as sugarsync plugin reference
  • fCallback The callback function receiving a JavaScript object describing the user info as first parameter. Below is a list of properties which describe the user info.
    • username
      • The username
    • nickname
      • The nickname
    • quota.limit
      • The limit quota
    • quota.usage
      • The usage quota
    • workspaces
      • The workspace resource
    • syncfolders
      • The syncfolders resource
    • deleted
      • The deleted resource
    • magicBriefcase
      • The magicBriefcase resource
    • webArchive
      • The webArchive resource
    • mobilePhotos
      • The mobilePhotos resource
    • recentActivities
      • The recentActivities resource
    • receivedShares
      • The receivedShares resource
    • publicLinks
      • The publicLinks resource
    • maximumPublicLinkSize
      • The maximumPublicLinkSize number
$(selector).sugarsync('getFolderInfo', sFolderResource, fCallback);
  • selector The jQuery selector, targeting an element you are using as sugarsync plugin reference
  • sFolderResource The string describing a folder resource
  • fCallback The callback function receiving a JavaScript object describing the folder info as first parameter. Below is a list of properties which describe the folder info.
    • displayName
      • The folder label
    • dsid
      • The folder dsid
    • timeCreated
      • The folder creation time
    • collections
      • The collections resource
    • files
      • The files resource
    • contents
      • The contents resource
$(selector).sugarsync('getFolderContents', sFolderResource, fCallback, oOptions);
  • selector The jQuery selector, targeting an element you are using as sugarsync plugin reference
  • sFolderResource The string describing a folder resource
  • fCallback The callback function receiving a JavaScript array describing the folder contents as first parameter. Each element of the array is a JavaScript object. The type property will determine if it's a directory or a file.
    • element folder

      • An array of directories inside the resource; each element of the array is a JavaScript object with the following parameters:
        • type constant string 'folder'
        • displayName the label
        • ref the folder resource
    • element file

      • An array of files inside the resource; each element of the array is a JavaScript object with the following parameters:
        • type constant string 'file'
        • displayName the label
        • ref the file resource
        • size the file size
        • lastModified the last time the file was modified
        • mediaType the file media type
        • presentOnServer a flag which shows if the file is present on the server
        • fileData the file data resource
  • oOptions An optional JavaScript object that you may pass if you would like to customize the behaviour of the current method. Below is a list of properties that you may set on the options object and their respective effect.
    • oOptions.type {String: null}
      • Set the filter you would like to use on the results; by default no filter is used; you can choose between:
        • null value to evade using filters
        • folder string; to receive only folders
        • file string; to receive only files
    • oOptions.start {Integer: 0}
      • Set the index within the indexed sequence of objects in the folder to start listing folder contents. The default value is 0, meaning that objects in the folder are listed starting with the first object in the sequence. However, you can specify any positive integer value for the starting index.
    • oOptions.max {Integer: 500}
      • The maximum number of results you'll receive. By default it's set on 500.
    • oOptions.order {String: "name"}
      • How to order the results; by default it's set on 'name'; the value can be choose between:
        • name sort by the display name of the items
        • last_modified sort by the last-modified date (if available) of the items
        • size sort by the size (in bytes) of the items
        • extension sort by the filename extension (if available) of the items
$(selector).sugarsync('download', sFileResource, sDisplayName, sMediatype, fCallback );
  • sFileResource The string describing a file resource
  • sDisplayName The string describing a the filename to use while saving the file
  • sMediatype {String: null} The string describing a file's media type
  • fCallback The callback function receiving a JavaScript array describing the downloaded file with the following parameters:
    • displayName the label
    • mediaType the file media type
$(selector).sugarsync('getVersionHistory', sFileResource, fCallback );
  • sFileResource The string describing a file resource
  • fCallback The callback function receiving a JavaScript array describing the folder contents as first parameter. Each element of the array is a JavaScript object with the following parameters:
    • fileData the file data resource
    • lastModified the last time the file was modified
    • mediaType the file media type
    • presentOnServer a flag which shows if the file is present on the server
    • ref the file resource
    • size the file size



A lot of enhancement can be done on this library. Right now I am planning to add as soon as possible:

  • Create file
  • Upload Data operation to create a file or a folder
  • Improve download file operation: still unable to download correctly files with media type different form common text
  • Improve "test.html" demo page usability

Change Log

  • 0.0.3
  • Update to use correctly jQuery 2.0.0+ library
  • Download files using HTML5 specifics
  • Added Version History request
  • Revisited "test.html" demo page
  • 0.0.2
  • Updated "getFolderContents" method to return an array of objects where the type property determine if it's a folder or a file
  • Added options to "getFolderContents" method
  • Improved the test page
  • 0.0.1
  • Commited on Git Hub first release