Licence: MIT Licence
Lightning Bitcoin light weight wallet is forked from Electrum v3.0.5
For Windows users, you can download latest release here.
If you are using Linux, read the following:
NOTE : All the following command work well on Ubuntu 16.04
Check out the code from Github:
git clone git://
cd lbtc-lightwallet-client
Run install (this should install dependencies):
python3 install
Compile the icons file for Qt:
sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools
pyrcc5 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/
Compile the protobuf description file:
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
protoc --proto_path=lib/ --python_out=lib/ lib/paymentrequest.proto
Create translations (optional):
sudo apt-get install python-pycurl gettext
Benjamin Smith