
A sample headless Drupal 8 backend setup with a React frontend.

Primary LanguagePHP

Sample Application: Headless Drupal 8 with React Frontend

This project was built to demonstrate a headless instance of Drupal 8 to control the backend, using React to render the information on the frontend.

Users can create a new feature, as well as edit the feature image, feature title, and feature body within the Drupal 8 backend integration. The data is accessed by the React frontend via Rest API Export (using a Drupal View) and passed through a Features component to individual Feature components to be rendered.

Data live-reloads from the D8 integration every 30 seconds.

I created the Drupal 8 instance locally using Docksal and the React instance using create-react-app.

The frontend can be viewed live http://dev1.redcrestdevelopment.com/ which pulls data from http://dev2.redcrestdevelopment.com/

To run project locally:

  1. Navigate to the d8-sample-backend folder and start Drupal vm environment

    fin vm start

  2. Navigate to the d8-sample-react folder and start React environment

    yarn start

Note I'm still working on cleaning this up so it can be easier to understand and use.

Drupal 8 Backend - Feature Editing

React Frontend Representation