A Leiningen template for creating useful and productive Google App Engine apps in Clojure using the GAE Java SDK (supports 11 and 17 runtimes with bundled services)
Leiningen Clojars dependency:
[org.clojars.nickbauman/cljgae-template "1.0.3"]
To use this template locally, installing it into your library cache - ~/.m2/repository/.
From the root of the template project, run the following command:
lein install
lein new cljgae-template <project name> <project organization ID> <availability zone> <billing-account> <java-runtime>
lein new cljgae-template a4d07e6a3-f194-07d0-8a4b-1695 456350996759 us-central 4D2-1D73A5-012F81-6E5 17
Creates a new appengine project on disk under dir that should run on the Gen2 OSS Runtimes, (Java11/17 with bundled services). It has a few routes with corresponding tests which show the usage of a few appengine APIs such as
- Google Cloud Storage (via file upload test example)
- The datastore, including a Clojure DSL for querying the datastore (see
test for examples) - The App Identity Service API (via "/" route)
- Asyncronous task queues / AKA appengine"push queues" (via a JSON request of a "large" list of data points)
- User services with user state examples
With unit tests for each. All examples also run on the dev appserver.
A Clojure DSL has been developed inspired by the Python NDB library (with an emphasis on Clojure's more functional idiom.) Queries return a lazy sequence.
(defentity BasicEntity [content saved-time repeated-value])
(defentity AnotherEntity [content saved-time int-value])
(let [entity (save! (create-AnotherEntity "Some content woo" (t/date-time 1980 3 5) 6))
entity2 (save! (create-AnotherEntity "Other content" (t/date-time 1984 10 12) 91))
entity3 (save! (create-AnotherEntity "More interesting content" (t/date-time 1984 10 12) 17))
; repeated properties
root-entity (save! (create-BasicEntity "basic entity content" (t/date-time 2015 6 8) [1 2 3]))
child-entity1 (save! (create-AnotherEntity "child one content" (t/date-time 2016 12 10) 33) (gae-key root-entity))
child-entity2 (save! (create-AnotherEntity "child two content" (t/date-time 2016 12 10) 44) (gae-key root-entity))]
; query all
(query-AnotherEntity [])
; equality
(query-AnotherEntity [:content = "Some content woo"])
(query-AnotherEntity [:content = "Blearg not found"])
; not equal
(query-AnotherEntity [:content != "Not found"])
(query-AnotherEntity [:content != "Other content"])
; greater-than and less-than
(query-AnotherEntity [:int-value < 7])
(query-AnotherEntity [:int-value < 5])
; time: before and after
(query-AnotherEntity [:saved-time > (.toDate (t/date-time 1979 3 5))])
(query-AnotherEntity [:saved-time < (.toDate (t/date-time 1979 3 5))])
; "and" compound queries
(query-AnotherEntity [:and [:content = "Some content woo"] [:int-value > 5]])
(query-AnotherEntity [:and [:int-value > 5] [:int-value <= 17]])
; "or" compound queries
(query-AnotherEntity [:or [:content = "Some content woo"] [:int-value < 5]])
(query-AnotherEntity [:or [:content = "Some content woo"] [:int-value > 5]])
; compound queries with nested compound predicates
(query-AnotherEntity [:or [:content = "Other content"]
[:and [:saved-time < (.toDate (t/date-time 1983 3 5))] [:int-value = 6]]])
; keys-only support
(query-AnotherEntity [:int-value < 7] [:keys-only true])
; order-by support
(query-AnotherEntity [:int-value > 0] [:order-by :int-value :desc])
; keys only and order-by support together
(query-AnotherEntity [:int-value > 0] [:keys-only true :order-by :int-value :desc])
; support multiple sort orders (with keys-only, too)
(query-AnotherEntity [:saved-time > 0] [:order-by :saved-time :desc :int-value :asc :keys-only true])
; parents can find their children
(query-AnotherEntity [] [:ancestor-key (gae-key root-entity)])
; ancestors that work with predicates
(query-AnotherEntity [:int-value > 33] [:ancestor-key (gae-key root-entity)])
; ancestors that work with keys-only support
(query-AnotherEntity [] [:keys-only true :ancestor-key (gae-key root-entity)])
(query-AnotherEntity [] [:ancestor-key (gae-key root-entity) :keys-only true])
; ancestors that work with order-by
(query-AnotherEntity [] [:ancestor-key (gae-key root-entity) :order-by :int-value :desc])
; transactions
(save! (create-AnotherEntity "Content information" (t/date-time 1984 10 12) 201)))
; Cross-group transactions
(save! (create-AnotherEntity "Content information" (t/date-time 1984 10 12) 6001))
(save! (create-AnotherEntity "More content information" (t/date-time 1984 10 12) 6002))))
Validation of datastore entity models is optional. Adding validation involves putting a vector of keys that match your model properties followed by a fully qualified function property. For example:
(ns gaeclj.example.valid
(:require [gaeclj.ds :refer [defentity]]))
(defentity CostStrategy
[:uuid gaeclj.valid/valid-uuid?
:create-date gaeclj.valid/long?
:cost-uuid gaeclj.valid/valid-uuid?
:strategy-description gaeclj.valid/string-or-nil?
:ordered-member-uuids gaeclj.valid/repeated-uuid?
:ordered-amounts gaeclj.valid/repeated-longs?])
Creating a CostStrategy like this
(create-CostStrategy "8e5625f8-60ec-11ea-a1ec-a45e60d5bfab"
(.getMillis (t/date-time 1999 12 31))
(str (uuid/v1))
"even distribution"
[(str (uuid/v1)) (str (uuid/v1))]
["foo" "bar"]) ; not valid
... would cause a RuntimeException
citing the two properties:
java.lang.RuntimeException: (create-CostStrategy ...) failed validation for props :ordered-amounts
- Firestore dialect
- Postgres dialect
- Add support for projections
- More comprehensive examples of task queues
- More comprehensive use of cloud storage
- Examples of other commonly used GAE apis
Copyright © 2016-2023 Nick Bauman and Peter Schwarz
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.