This repository is a partially automated set up of local machine configuration on a Windows device. A few pre-requisite steps are outlined in the below set up guide. The final step is the download and invocation of the Install-Dotfiles.ps1 script. This script will do the following:
- Install Git for Windows
- Format a Dev Drive if one doesn't already exist
- Clone repository to Dev Drive or fetch latest if already exists
- Import WinGet packages
- Install a Nerd Font
- Install PoshGit
- Install PoShFuck
- Set up PowerShell Profile
- Set Environment Variables
Install PowerShell via WinGet:
winget install --exact --id Microsoft.PowerShell.Preview --source winget
Open a PowerShell session for further steps.
Install WSL directly via the following command:
wsl --install
Afterwards, you will need to restart the machine before continuing.
From an administrative PowerShell session, set execution policy to remote signed and invoke dotfiles installation:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' | Invoke-Expression