Token Sniping Bot

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
  • Javascript (React & Testing)
  • Web3 (Blockchain Interaction)
  • Truffle (Development Framework)
  • Ganache-cli (For Local Blockchain)
  • Alchemy (For forking the Ethereum mainnet)

Requirements For Initial Setup

  • Install NodeJS, I recommend using node version 16.5.0 to avoid any potential dependency issues
  • Install Truffle, In your terminal, you can check to see if you have truffle by running truffle --version. To install truffle run npm i -g truffle.
  • Install Ganache-cli. To see if you have ganache-cli installed, in your command line type ganache-cli --version. To install, in your command line type npm install ganache-cli --global

Setting Up

1. Clone/Download the Repository

2. Install Dependencies:

$ npm install

3. Start Ganache CLI

In your terminal run:

ganache-cli -f wss://<Your-App-Key> -m <Your-Mnemonic-Phrase> -u 0x2fEb1512183545f48f6b9C5b4EbfCaF49CfCa6F3 -p 7545

Replace Your-App-Key with your Alchemy Project ID located in the settings of your project. Replace Your-Mnemonic-Phrase with your own mnemonic phrase. If you don't have a mnemonic phrase to include you can omit it:

ganache-cli -f wss://<Your-App-Key> -u 0x2fEb1512183545f48f6b9C5b4EbfCaF49CfCa6F3 -p 7545

4. Start the Bot

$ node ./bot.js

5. Migrate Smart Contracts

In a seperate terminal run: $ truffle migrate --reset

6. Fund Accounts

$ truffle exec ./scripts/1_fund.js

6. Create Uniswap Pool

$ truffle exec ./scripts/2_create_pool.js