
Select representative sequencing data sets.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This repository contains the programs for the Hierarchical Representative Set Selection, and the programs for direct representative set selection and random sampling, as well as the program for evaluating a representative set.


Download the source code from this repository. In addition, also download the source code from the repository https://github.com/Kingsford-Group/jellyfishsim and then compile them (see Installation instructions there). You will need these three binaries compiled from the repository https://github.com/Kingsford-Group/jellyfishsim: sortsim, chunking, and hausdorff, in order to run the programs in this repository.

Modify the directory paths (bin_dir and exe_dir) accordingly in the code of this repository, to point to your local directory that holds the source code of this repository and your local directory that holds the three binaries (sortsim, chunking, and hausdorff).

You also need to install a Python package apricot by using:

    pip install apricot-select


Hierarchical representative set selection

The hierarchical representative set selection is a divide-and-conquer-like algorithm that breaks the representative set selection into sub-selections and hierarchically selects representative samples through multiple levels. Use the following command to run the hierarchical representative set selection:

hierarchical_rep_set_selection_multi_iters.sh <fullset_fullpath_kmer_files> <representative_set_size> <num_iters> <chunk_size> <chunk_dir_prefix> <Q> <chunking_method> <top_subset_size>

<fullset_fullpath_kmer_files>: A file containing the names of all the datasets' k-mer counts files (full-path) in the original full set, one filename per line. These k-mer counts files are gzipped.
<representative_set_size>: The desired size of the final representative set.
<num_iters>: The number of iterations (i.e. levels in the hierarchy).
<chunk_size>: The size of each chunk.
<chunk_dir_prefix>: The prefix of the chunk directories (e.g. "chunk_").
<Q>: The average representative-set size for each chunk.
<chunking_method>: "seeded" or "sequential". You should use "seeded".
<top_subset_size>: The size of the randomly-selected subset from the full set used for the seeded-chunking at the top level.

The output representative set (representative_set_datasets) is located in the directory merge_of_chunks/. If there are multiple levels of iterations, the final representative set is located under the lowest level of directory merge_of_chunks/ by going down each merge_of_chunks/ directory recursively.

Direct representative set selection

The direct representative set selection computes the full similarity matrix of the original full set and performs representative set selection directly on the full similarity matrix using apricot. Use the following command to run the direct representative set selection:

direct_apricot_rep_set_selection.sh <fullset_fullpath_kmer_files> <representative_set_size> 

<fullset_fullpath_kmer_files>: A file containing the names of all the datasets' k-mer counts files (full-path) in the original full set, one filename per line. These k-mer counts files are gzipped.
<representative_set_size>: The desired size of the representative set.

The output representative set is representative_set_datasets.

Random sampling

Random sampling randomly selects a subset from the original full set. Use the following command to run random sampling:

python select_random_subset_fullpath_files.py <fullset_fullpath_kmer_files> <subset_size>

<fullset_fullpath_kmer_files>: A file containing the names of all the datasets' k-mer counts files (full-path) in the original full set, one filename per line. These k-mer counts files are gzipped.
<subset_size>: The desired size of the selected subset.

The output subset is selected_subset_datasets_fullpath.

Evaluating a representative set

The partial Hausdorff distance is used to evaluate how well a selected subset represents the original full set. Use the following command to compute both the partial Hausdorff distance and the classical Hausdorff distance:

hausdorff 17 <fullset_fullpath_kmer_files> <representative_set_datasets> <q>

The optimal k-mer size 17 is used here.
<fullset_fullpath_kmer_files>: A file containing the names of all the datasets' k-mer counts files (full-path) in the original full set, one filename per line. These k-mer counts files are gzipped.
<representative_set_datasets>: A file containing the names of the selected representative datasets' k-mer counts files (gzipped).
<q>: A parameter used in the partial Hausdorff distance: q = 1 – K / |X| where |X| is the size of the original full set, and K is for using the Kth largest value (counting from the minimum) as the partial Hausdorff distance.

The implementation in this GitHub repository uses apricot as the base level to perform representative set selection on each chunk and on the merged set. The hierarchical representative set selection algorithm is applicable for using other representative set selectors as the base level.

If using a different similarity-matrix- or distance-matrix-based representative set selection package or binary (if available) as the base level, one can simply modify the file run_apricot_with_kmers_similarity.py to call that package’s function (or execute that binary) by replacing apricot’s functional call accordingly.

The overall approach is based on the cosine similarity of k-mers between RNA-seq samples. If one would like to apply the hierarchical representative set selection algorithm using other similarities, one can replace the binary sortsim in the files hierarchical_rep_set_selection_multi_iters.sh and compute_sim_matrix_for_chunks.sh by their own binary that computes and outputs the similarity matrix. However, the binary chunking implements the seeded-chunking algorithm using the cosine similarity of k-mers. One can adapt the file chunking.cc from the repository https://github.com/Kingsford-Group/jellyfishsim and modify the parts of computing similarities by using their own similarity.


We performed the hierarchical representative set selection on the entire set of public human bulk RNA-seq (Illumina) samples in the SRA, which contains 196523 RNA-seq samples. We obtained different sizes of final representative sets (3000, 4000, 5000 and 7000 RNA-seq samples). These final representative sets listing the SRA accession for each selected RNA-seq sample are available under the data/ directory.