- 0
看不到演示视频里的linked Reference
#53 opened - 3
#52 opened by Rao-Jupiter - 0
- 0
gkroam-mode clobbers window margins
#46 opened by aaronbieber - 0
- 3
- 3
Links to date-notes cannot be followed
#42 opened by Whil- - 2
WIN10 下spacemacs 无法显示linked reference
#24 opened by jinboowu - 1
- 2
- 1
- 6
gkroam-link-with-headline-re may match incorrectly
#33 opened by Whil- - 12
- 0
Some files are not stored in the database cache
#34 opened by Whil- - 2
#29 opened by Whil- - 1
gkroam-file-re misunderstands `gkroam-file-re`
#30 opened by Whil- - 5
[Question] how could i delete files from gkindex and complition candidates?
#27 opened by poulpoulsen - 2
win10 下无法正确打开链接
#25 opened by dreamstr1ker - 2
M-x gkroam-update get error in process sentinel: Args out of range: #<killed buffer>, 0, 1
#26 opened by dreamstr1ker - 0
When double brackets were hidden, it needs double click to follow a page link.
#11 opened by Kinneyzhang - 3
#23 opened by jinboowu - 0
Got an error when use `gkroam-rebuild-caches'
#22 opened by Kinneyzhang - 6
gkroam-insert cannot create new files
#21 opened by guidao - 2
Create PROPERTIES ids when it needs them.
#20 opened by guidao - 1
- 5
- 2
可以试试track-mouse property
#6 opened by casouri - 2
orgmode throw an error when using gkroam-daily
#19 opened by zbelial - 6
Reason for custom link notation?
#7 opened by clemera - 1
Gkroam mode doesn't turn on
#12 opened by cstby - 2
Why should I use gkroam.el over org-roam?
#13 opened by j-steinbach - 2
Does the link support aliases?
#14 opened by guidao - 1
compare to org-roam?
#15 opened by titaniumbones - 1
[Proposal] Change the way to supply initial/default value to completing-read (not using INITIAL-INPUT)
#17 opened by zbelial