A place for me to show some stuff I made and other projects I managed.
In the process of making Anki Cozmo do SLAM through a Lego city.
Made MNIST from scratch using Numpy.
In addition, I made a version where I can take pictures with Anki Cozmo and have it predict the new hand written numbers.
Also, I am making MNIST from scratch with C++.
This was a robot commanded by a Raspberry Pi that would take a picture of a maze before navigation.
Robotics Competition 2013 Folder
This robot was in a simulated shipping port. The goal was to pick up blocks, and place them in the correct place based on their size and color. I was in charge of the Computer Vision.
There are several other small things, such as making a Sobel Operator with Numpy for example. This would be found in the Spatial folder.
Non Computer Vision projects, that are embedded.
Students made this project and I oversaw it. There were a couple versions. I think the one I uploaded here was for the portable cart. There was another on a big table shared by the Construction Robots
Another project I oversaw which was made by students. A dump truck, loader, and bulldozer would scoop beads.
I reverse engineered how the joystick worked, and replaced the board so it would work with microcontrollers.
I have several but at the time of this commit I just have one. Will be adding more soon.
I've written simulation algorithms over the years. This is where I'll add old ones I find or new ones I write.
Simulating temperatures in brake rotors.