
Exercism for the Kotlin language

Primary LanguageJava

Exercism For Kotlin!

Just want to practice Kotlin. Using the Go exercisms: http://exercism.io/languages/go

One day, master will have all the tests I've completed so far & solutions branch will have the solutions so far.

Practicing TDD, but writing tests in Java for now (not Kotlin) so I don't go too crazy

If you are stuck, write a thing in Java & then convert to see the suggested Kotlin code.

Translator doesn't always pick the 'best' way to do stuff. See if that is true for intent, too.

Direct access to text validateInput(edit_year.text.toString())

Learn the Kotlin Language: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/koans.html

Official Kotlin for Android Guide: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/kotlin-android.html

Good post on Kotlin: https://medium.com/@CodingDoug/kotlin-android-a-brass-tacks-experiment-part-1-3e5028491bcc#.vihw6vod5