
Repository for the class functional programming

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Functional Programming

API preview

Dataset preview gifgif

📁 Contents

🚀 Description
⚙️ Installation
📚 Wiki
🧩 Resources
📎 License

🚀 Description

This repository consists of my work for the Functional Programming course, which is part of the Information Design - Tech Track given in the 3rd year of the study Communication and Multimedia design at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

The goal of this course is to learn how to work with external and local datasets, how to clean the data included in them, so it can later be used to create visualisations. There is also somewhat of a focus on getting familiar with functional programming patterns, and how to use them in your projects.

The criteria for the project can be found here

⚙️ Installation

If you would like to use this repository on your own computer, you can paste the following code into your terminal to create a local copy of this project.
(Note: you are required to have Git installed on your machine for this to work)

git clone https://github.com/Kip-Hub/functional-programming.git

📚 Wiki

Everything I have done during this project can be found on the wiki.
I will document my daily pursuits and progress in the logboek which can also be found on the wiki, along with some theoretical documentation and other project oriented documentation.

🧩 Resources

The data used in the first part of this project was obtained from an online questionaire, which all students took part in. Every students answers to the questions were saved in a .JSON file which is then locally used to fetch the required data, and clean it.

For the second part of the project we were tasked with finding an API which provides data that we are interested in and could possibly result in a good base to start creating visualisations. I chose for the Episodate API which revolves around popular TV shows.

📎 License

Author: Daniel Kip
License used for this project: MIT