
Porting Micropython on the ESP32-CAM Development Board to be a small digital camera

Primary LanguagePython


This tutorial gives step by step instructions on how to set up MicroPython on the ESP32-CAM development board and turn it into a small digital camera that can take photos and save them on a SD card. The ESP32-CAM development board is a breakout board for the ESP32 that come with an SD card slot capable of up to 4 GB, OV2640 camera and a very bright led making it perfect for this project.

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Flashing MicroPython onto the ESP32-CAM

I found that the best version of the firmware is maintained by shariltumin and can be found here to download. Be sure that you check out his blog where he discusses the progress of his Micropython webcam project.

Once the firmware is downloaded, you need to install the esptool:

pip install esptool

Connect your USB to TTL UART Serial Converter to the ESP32-CAM board and put it in bootloader mode by connecting the IO0 pin to ground (shown in green).

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press RST button

Then, erase the flash one the ESP32:

esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash

cd into the directory that you put the firmware in and:

press RST button

esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 ESP32CAM_firmware.bin

Now you have microython on the ESP32-CAM board!

Disconnect the IO0 pin from ground then press RST button

Put the micropython code on the ESP32-CAM board

Install ampy

pip install adafruit-ampy

Clone Micro-Camera code:

git clone https://github.com/KipCrossing/Micro-Camera

Go into the Micro-camera directory:

cd Micro-Camera

And put the code on the board

ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 put boot.py
ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 put main.py

Insert an SD card, press RST button and see the camera flash and take a photo.

Camera module

import camera

# Setup camera perams
camera.framesize(12) # between 0 and 13
camera.quality(63) # between 9 and 64
camera.contrast(0) # between -3 and 3
camera.saturation(0) # between -3 and 3
camera.brightness(0) # between -3 and 3
camera.speffect(3) # between 0 and  7
camera.whitebalance(2) # between 0 and 5
camera.agcgain(0) # between 0 and 30
camera.aelavels(0) # between -3 and 3
camera.aecvalue(100) # between 0 and 1200
camera.pixformat(0) # 0 for JPEG, 1 for YUV422 and 2 for RGB

# take Photo
buf = camera.capture()

Flash LED

The flash led is controlled by pin 4

import machine
import time

led = machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.OUT)

mounting the SD card

import uos
import machine

uos.mount(machine.SDCard(), "/sd")

# Open file in SD

f = open("sd/" + tfile, 'wb')

Example Image

This is an example showing the quality of the image (Flash on)

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