
An unofficial Android client app for the Reykunyu Na'vi dictionary, with Material design

Primary LanguageKotlinBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Reykunyutsyìp Banner

An unofficial Android client for the Reykunyu Na'vi dictionary

GitHub Release
Reykunyu - someone who lets you discover things
Reykunyutsyìp - Little Reykunyu :)


Reykunyutsyìp is an UNOFFICIAL Android client of Reykunyu. It is made by Kip, and is not affiliated with Reykunyu.

If you encountered any problems with the APP, please report it here: https://github.com/KipJM/ReykunyuAndroid/issues, not to Reykunyu!

I hope you enjoy the app!


  • Automatically cached dictionary for searching even when you're offline
  • Offline translate mode with limited functionality
  • Online translate mode!
  • Supports searching in German, Estonian, English, Na'vi, French, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Russian and Swedish.
  • A really nice-looking Na'vi word card containing a bunch of information
    • Here are some notable features
    • playable audio pronunciation examples
    • Rich text with Na'vi reference hyperlinks
    • Animal images :)

Download & Installation

Go to https://github.com/kipjm/reykunyutsyip/releases to download the newest APK release. In the future I will try to work on a proper app store release somehow!

If you got a warning from Google saying that the app is unverified, it's because I haven't uploaded it to Google Play yet. Tap “learn more” and choose “Install anyway” for now. The app doesn't contain malware, you can check if you want!


Online translate mode

Online Translate mode!

Offline Translate mode

Offline translate mode!

You can tap the word type bubble to check what does the abbreviations mean! The Na'vi reference buttons can directly take you to another word if you'd like.

How to switch between search modes

Switch between different search modes by tapping the mode button on the top right!

Planned features

  • Some elements of the online translate mode has not been added, such as infixes
  • Add support for Sentence analysis, annotated dictionary and Rhymes lookup
  • Improve performance
  • Add other languages for UI (Help needed!)
  • Add a quick access translate thing like Google translate
  • ...

More Info

The app is open-source and licensed under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License (https://github.com/KipJM/ReykunyuAndroid/blob/master/LICENSE).
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the app, you can reach me on Github or Discord: Kip#2846


This app downloads information from Reykunyu (https://reykunyu.lu) (https://github.com/Willem3141/navi-reykunyu). The awesome Reykunyu dictionary and site was made by Wllìm.

This app does not contain any dictionary or translation data on it's own, they're downloaded from Reykunyu during runtime and then displayed on the app.

all the dictionary data(offline dictionary cache and online search results) are downloaded during runtime from Reykunyu's APIs.

The offline dictionary cache data is licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC 3.0(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). This excludes the Annotated Dictionary data, the audio files, and the animal drawings—these are copyrighted by their respective authors.

(Reykunyu data credits)
Dictionary data
The base dictionary data was taken from Eana Eltu by Mark Miller, Tirea Aean, and others, and then edited further by Eana Unil, Tekre, and Wllìm. The Annotated Dictionary definitions were taken from the Annotated Dictionary project by Plumps.

The voice clips were provided by Plumps (who recorded them for dict-na'vi(https://dict-navi.com)) and tsyili (who recorded them for Learn Na'vi(https://learnnavi.org/navi-vocabulary/)).

The drawings of Pandoran animals were made by Eana Unil. (Haven’t encountered one yet? Try searching for [toruk]!) Reykunyu’s logo was drawn by Eana Unil, and the calligraphy in the header was made by Nahura.