Domain based server scan for potentially spring4shell vulnerable files
Run this script from a management/script server to inventory what servers have spring-*.jar files.
This does not scan captive .war files and the like, just a quick and dirty scan to check domain servers
This is exploitable on java versions 9 or higher, so checking your java version would be your step 2 on any machine where spring-*jar files are found.
prefix : if you have a naming convention, or wish to start several scans at a time based on servernames.
server : the name of the server you wish to store the logfile on. (FQDN of hostname) - do not add leading or trailing slashes.
path : rest of the path where to store the logfile. can be an administrative share. do not add a leading slash. (\)
logfile : if you edit this, comment out the server and path vars.
official communication from spring:
Mitigation advice (lunasec) :
WAF mitigation: :
Report 1: Cyber Kendra - SpringShell: Spring Core RCE 0-day Vulnerability
Report 2: Cyber Kendra - Spring4Shell Details and Exploit code leaked
Explanation: Praetorian
Explanation: Bug Alert